Jesus told Peter to follow him to the cross, and he did. Jesus told Paul to follow him to his death, and not only did Paul...
Can you imagine high school football players being raped and sodomized by their teammates, what type of world has this become? Someone had told me a...
Recent world events in line with end times Bible prophecy is pushing the timeline for launch of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church significantly closer to...
Prime Minister Yair Lapid tells UN General Assembly that implementing the Two State Solution is the right path for Israel and the Jews Israel was regathered...
You are watching a massive effort by the main stream media and the DOJ to destroy Donald Trump while protecting Hunter Biden and his laptop from...
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that any weapons in Moscow’s arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, could be used to defend territories annexed to...
Are you trying to work your way to Heaven in the Church Age? If so, you’re probably a fan of Bible preachers like Paul Washer, Ray...
The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, led by Chrislam evangelists Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed, want you to have world peace while rejecting the King...
Israel remains committed to the Two State Solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Prime Minister Yair Lapid is expected to tell the United Nations General Assembly...
Today on the NTEB Sit Down, we rip it up with author Jack McElroy who will tell us what Bible Jesus would use, exposing the Laodicean...
Now Trump, constantly looking to demonstrate his political strength as he nears an announcement on a likely 2024 bid, is giving QAnon adherents repeated signals that...
The Royal Family has links to several countries across Europe, including Romania, and it turns out that King Charles III is the descendant of the real-life...
The Lord is answering our prayer to be used of Him in these last days before the Rapture as the Bibles Behind Bars program now reaching...
The Human Fraternity document, created by Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed, has been confirmed by the United Nations and by the assembled councils of the...
There is a specific way that God commands us to study the holy scriptures if you want your Bible to reveal its truth to you, and...
The apostle Paul lays it out quite clear what you and I are supposed to do in our Christian lives if we are interested in obtaining...
With the adoption this week by the 7th World Religions Congress of the Human Fraternity document created by Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed, Chrislam is...
What you are seeing are vain attempts by people to build a Temple of God while at the same time rejecting the revelation of the Messiah,...
I want you to imagine an altar, with nearly 20 inmates kneeling with tears in their eyes, and praying to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour, because...
As the global elites are preparing you to receive the New World Order, God is blessing us here at NTEB with an incredible end times revival...
Your King James Bible has a lot to say about angels, aliens, UFOs, and of course, the return of the Genesis 6 giants! We call this...
Join us and our very special guest Pastor Joel Tillis from ‘The Soul Trap’ as we discuss everything related to the end of the Church Age,...
The Bibles Behind Bars Program is not just blossoming, it is exploding as chaplains and preachers who minister in jails, prisons and detention centers across America...
I cannot imagine any Bible teacher or preacher of the word of God that did not understand that the payment for sin on the cross was...