Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to meet France’s Emmanuel Macron in Paris to discuss implementation of the Two State Solution with Israel Yesterday, the Times Of...
There are exactly 666 days from the signing of the Abraham Accords to the arrival of Joe Biden in Israel to sign the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ paving...
Now The End Begins is indeed on the front lines of the end times, and the spiritual supply line we use is the word of God....
U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid signed a joint pledge called the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ on Thursday to deny Iran nuclear arms, a...
Bill Gates is sad. The co-founder of software giant Microsoft turned philanthropist and epidemiologist laments the direction the world is heading, and vows to change it’s...
‘But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall...
A senior bishop of the Church of England said this week the Church has no ‘official definition’ of a woman amidst an evolving understanding of gender...
As if New Yorkers don’t have enough to worry about, they’re now getting step-by-step instructions on what to do if the Big Apple comes under nuclear...
It is not that our estimation of Jesus Christ is too much, it is that your estimation of Jesus Christ is far too little, too weak,...
The World Economic Forum (WEF) released a position paper Monday that inexorably links two claimed global crises as one – “climate change” and the “decline of...
Monsanto weedkiller ‘Roundup’ which contains the poison glyphosate has now been found in 80% of the urine samples taken from Americans designed to represent the US...
Pretend president Joe Biden is doing exactly what he was put in office to do, be a cover for the people who have actually seized power,...
In Genesis 5, we even see the only person ever born on this earth, Enoch, (who is still alive all these millennia later), who didn’t die...
When I read my King James Bible, and I’m just being honest, I do not see “3 equal entities” in the Godhead so much as I...
If you think the sudden destruction of the Georgia Guidestones is a “win for the good guys”, then perhaps you don’t know who the good guys,...
“I hear the sound Of a mighty rushing wind, And it’s closer now than it’s ever been. I can almost hear the trumpet, as Gabriel sounds...
Starting with Adam’s bride, Eve, taken from his own body, we look at the myriad types of the Bride of Christ in your King James Bible....
One of the four outer pillars of the Georgia Guidestones, a Georgia monument located near the South Carolina border, was destroyed Wednesday morning. When God gave...
Lapid met in Paris on Tuesday with French President Emmanuel Macron, who called on Lapid to revive talks toward peace with the Palestinians and said Israelis...
Bette Midler has angered one of her most loyal fanbases — the LGBTQ community — after she criticized terms like ‘menstruator’ and ‘people with vaginas,’ saying...
Emmanuel Macron speaking at the G7 event last week suggested creating a revived Roman empire to include Europe, Turkey and North Africa, Boris Johnson of England...
Despite the frequency of the encounters and the severity of the hazard, it took the Navy five years to adopt a formal UFO reporting structure at...
Today we ask why it is that so many cities across America that are run by Democrats experience the majority of the mass shootings and gun...
Russia claimed on Sunday to have captured the city of Lysychansk, the last remaining holdout in Ukraine’s Luhansk province, which would give Moscow forces control of...