Swedish start-up tech company Dsruptive Subdermals has invented a scannable microchip that is implanted in people’s arms and can display your COVID-19 vaccination status.
The mass formation psychosis of the New World Order is bearing fruit as people turn on each other over vaccination mandates and passports.
Cancel all your New Year's resolutions in 2022 and rather resolve simply to look unto the LORD God the Holy One of Israel and be ye...
Joe Biden walked on the beach wearing a cloth mask as the 'dark winter' he said was coming has finally arrived here in 2022.
Presiding over Mass on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, Pope Francis encourages Catholics to place themselves under her maternal protection.
French President Emmanuel Macron on New Year's Eve calls for the 'sure shot' solution of mass vaccinations to end COVID global plannedemic.
The state of New York said that white people will be among the last to receive life-saving COVID treatments, no matter how sick they are.
In 2022, the global conscience is seared, the Church is thoroughly lukewarm, and Hell is literally rising to meet us the engines on Flight #777 rumble...
Here at NTEB, we have officially recorded the completion of our 12th year of global ministry. Celebrate with our NTEB Bookstore super sale!
Lately, it seems that a lot of people are confused about the gospel of the grace of God and its saving power in the Church Age.
The Autonomous Driving System from TuSimple successfully drove an 18-wheeler truck across an 80 mile journey in world's first ever trip.
Police have have arrested 5 people at a New York City Burger King for attempting to order food while maskless and unvaccinated.
Speaking about COVID, pretend president Joe Biden said today that 'Look, there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level.'
The world is heading for a new Cuban missile crisis in Ukraine if the West fails to deal with Russia's security demands 'here and now', Moscow said.
The Event 201 Global Pandemic Exercise was launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation mere weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Caller tells Joe Biden ‘Let’s go Brandon’ during White House Christmas event, and Biden blankly agrees with it and then repeats it.
In 1 Kings 18, we see the incredible tale of the prophet Elijah going up against the prophets of Baal in a pay-per-view battle of the...
NASA is hiring 24 priests and theologians in its program at the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton to prepare humanity for alien contact.
Isaiah 54:17 is God's amazing promise to keep His chosen people, the Jews, safe at the red rock city of Selah Petra during the time of...
Falsifying a COVID-19 vaccination card is now a class A misdemeanor in the state of New York, get ready for forced vaccines in 2022.
Members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois installed a 'baby Baphomet' as Roman Catholics vowed the Virgin Mary would 'crush the serpent'.
Former President Donald Trump lied while backing the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines during an interview with Candace Owens on Wednesday.
The false teaching that the term 'falling away' refers to the action of the Rapture of the Church is actually an attack on the King James...
Bill Gates said he called off his Christmas plans as the gain-of-function omicron COVID variant ushers in what he predicts could be the "worst part of...