When Bill Gates tells you to prepare for a 'smallpox bioterror attack', you should believe him. Remember Event 201? Now it's the 'germ games'.
People get mad when you compare the Yellow Star put on Jews in Nazi Germany with the COVID vaccine mandates forced on people here in 2021.
Pretend president Joe Biden has set a deadline of January 4th for vaccination mandate as definition of what a vaccine is has now been changed.
Tonight we will supercharge our 'rightly dividing' skills by reviewing all the gospels of good news contained in your King James Bible.
Democrats lost it all in Virginia last night due largely to calling parents 'domestic terrorists' for wanting to protect their children.
Prepare yourself for not only Meta, but for the entire Metaverse that includes crypto currency, blockchain and Ethereum as images come alive.
Pfizer sponsors dozens of news shows on mainstream media as they rake in record profits from sale of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The World Economic Forum and the United Arab Emirates will host the Great Narrative Reset meeting in Dubai on 11-12 November 2021.
Laodicean Franklin Graham pleaded with evangelical Christians to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Axios interview last weekend on HBO.
Pentagon rattled by Chinese military push on multiple fronts as pretend president Joe Biden falls sleeps at COP26 Climate Summit.
Meta means 'dead' in Hebrew, and the world's wealthiest people are spending untold billions to create a digital world into which they intend to plunge the...
The LORD'S Army at the Battle of Armageddon is made up of the born again Church and the redeemed Tribulation saints at the Second Coming.
Pope Francis at the Vatican wished Hindus a happy feast of Deepavali (Diwali), calls for Catholics to join them and 'walk in the light.'
The Bible shows us the future of all the nations that forget God, and places America at the top of the list to be judged for...
On Halloween night, the New World Order COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN...
Joe Biden reveals Pope Francis told him he is a 'good Catholic' and should continue getting communion, but they didn't talk about abortion
World leaders gather at G20 Summit in Rome to create global vaccination task force tied to the digital ID of the Immunity Passport.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg unveils new name 'Meta' as company dives deep into metaverse alternate reality, but watch out it's a trap.
Hulu and Mars Candy, makers of Twix, bring you 'The New Nanny' Halloween story about a witch who kills non-binary child's bullies.
The Vatican on Thursday abruptly canceled the planned live broadcast of U.S. Pretend President Joe Biden meeting Pope Francis today.
We are looking at the biblical Mark of the Beast, the connection between electricity and Antichrist, and words that end in 'X'.
The Abrahamic Business Circle was inspired by the Abrahamic Family House, a beacon of mutual understanding, harmonious coexistence, and peace among people of faith and goodwill.
The Vatican Begins administering third dose of sacrament of vaccination, warns heretics of severe 'consequences' for refusing the COVID jab.
The United States has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation — a milestone in the recognition of the rights of people who don’t...