College student Shawn Kuhn got both his Pfizer vaccines in April and May, got COVID in August and then died despite being fully vaccinated.
Any active-duty Navy service members who do not get fully vaccinated or do not have an approved or pending exemption will be processed for an honorable...
President Joe Biden will meet Pope Francis at the Vatican on Oct. 29 ahead of the One World Religion of Chrislam meeting at the UN.
White House officials warn that Americans may face higher prices and some empty shelves this Christmas season as supply chain crisis hits.
Pretend President Joe Biden White House tells states to prepare for mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations in children as young as 5-years old.
Job Creators Network Hammers Biden Vaccine War with Massive Times Square Billboard: ‘Hey Joe, Time to Let the Mandate Go!’
Tonight we study differences and similarities between the COVID-19 vaccine with its Immunity Passport, and the biblical Mark of the Beast.
This morning we thrilled to the installation of a brand-new NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard in downtown Saint Augustine, pray for lost souls!
Breakthrough COVID-19 cases in fully vaccinated in Minnesota have been increasing amid the rise of the delta variant as vaccines fail.
For 'Nights of Lights' in Saint Augustine this year, we will bring will be the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ via street preaching.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz reminds Israel why they will go through the coming time of Jacob's trouble via the end times Abraham Accords.
Danish toy giant LEGO has announced that it will endeavour to remove “harmful” gender stereotypes from its line because boys are reluctant to play with toys...
Southwest pilots go on strike as airlines forced to cancel thousands of flights over Biden COVID-19 vaccine mandate as unvaccinated fight back.
The apostle Paul says the 'good fight of faith' is directly related to who gets to 'rule and reign' with King Jesus in the Millennium.
The Bible teaching on the power of importunity in your daily prayer life is a game-changing 'secret' found only in your King James Bible.
Pope Francis met with pro-abortion House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday. The Vatican refused to say what the pope and Pelosi discussed after her keynote address...
At UN meeting, Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher called for increased redistribution for overcoming economic inequality through global tax.
I refuse to be part of the Beast system and will not receive their mRNA experimental vaccine and not allow myself to be enrolled into the...
A timely update on Bill Gates and his mad quest to inject the entire world with a vaccine and a COVID-19 Vaccination Passport digital ID.
Pretend President Joe Biden mocked for ‘Truman Show presidency’ over fake White House stage set where he is told what to say and what to do.
If YOU were called to defend the preservation of God's word as found within the pages of the King James 1611 Holy Bible, could YOU do...
We show you the shocking truth about the plot to get rid of the King James Bible as exposed in New Age Bible Versions from Gail...
3 Founders of Moderna Therapeutics, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, make Forbes list of America's richest during pandemic
Colorado hospital system says it will deny transplants to the unvaccinated in ‘almost all situations’ as COVID 'death panels' rise.