Imagery of a young woman desperately gasping for air has been deemed too horrific by some viewers of a new COVID-19 vaccination public service announcement in...
Today we will show just how crazy things really are at this very moment, and even if you follow the news on a regular basis, today's...
We're looking at hyper-dispensationalism, which is not biblical, and comparing it to the God-ordained method of interpretation known as dispensationalism.
Former president Donald Trump said that the COVID-19 coronavirus should be called the 'Trumpcine' because he was the driving force behind it.
When we doubt our faith that we are eternally secure as the Bible says we are, then we are calling God a liar. The answer is...
School Districts are Teaching 'Not My Idea' Book Claiming ‘Whiteness’ is the Devil and That White Children Sell Their Soul for “Stolen Land and Stolen Riches”
Prepare yourself for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations that will soon become a yearly requirement as Pfizer prepares third round of shots.
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus produced a music video titled “A Message from the Gay Community” in which several dozen men vow: “We’re coming for...
Violent crime has been surging in America’s streets while Democrats push to defund police departments nationwide.
Tonight we are rightly dividing prophetical passages in the Bible looking for the historical, spiritual and doctrinal applications.
The Pentagon said Tuesday they will seek to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for military once approved by Food and Drug Administration.
Doctors diagnosed a 17-year-old student with a heart condition, which he reportedly developed after receiving the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine,
Footage grabbed from the NASA live stream from the International Space Station shows a fleet of 10 UFO orb-like objects moving past the camera in formation.
Joe Biden to Send Government Officials Door to Door Across America to Pressure People to Accept COVID-19 Experimental Vaccination Jab.
The inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections.
Anne Frank and her family went into hiding on July 6, 1942: 79 years ago today as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis began to take power...
A growing number of regions around the world are forcing people, often in specific sectors, to be vaccinated against COVID-19. No jab, no job!
We are taking a peek into something called 'targeted dream incubation', and how Big Tech is attempting to take control of even our sleep cycles.
There is so much going on here in Luke 9 that it's hard to take it all, but as we do, we need to be rightly...
This amazing gentile Syrophenician woman knew something that none of the smartest Pharisees or Sadducees who ran the Temple knew.
Aitken's King James Bible became known as the "Bible of the Revolution," because it was printed in a small size so copies could be distributed to...
Concerns about the Abraham Accords in Israel seem unwarranted, with the new Lapid government ready to push them to their maximum potential.
Facebook has begun serving a prompt to some users asking them if they are worried that they or someone they know might be becoming an “extremist.”
The Climate Change fascists at Time Magazine now tell us that it's time to give up your personal air conditioning systems in your homes.