Over 100 Muslims commandeered the sidewalks in front of Trump Tower yesterday, led by Linda Sarsour, a women who has openly called for Sharia Law in...
For CNN, the argument that Islam has “always” been present in the U.S. rests largely on the claim that a significant minority of black slaves were...
Don't think the cases of female genital mutilation that made national headlines last month after a flurry of arrests in Detroit is a one-off event.
The Muslim hosts mention being thrilled that so many have come out to “meet your Muslim neighbors” because “I know, want to learn more about our...
This is the moment an ISIS suicide bomber detonated outside an Egyptian church in the second of two attacks that killed 43 Christians and wounded 100.
For years, NTEB has been telling you about something known as 'biological jihad' that has been waged by Muslims for the past forty years.
The Gatestone Institute reports Sunday on the striking rate of closures of churches in London, and the blooming number of mosques that have popped up.
Their crime was appearing on Fox TV’s Tucker Carlson Show to voice concerns about Islamic indoctrination of Chatham Middle School seventh graders.
Feminists in Stockholm are leaving areas like the notorious migrant-heavy no-go zones of Husby and Tensta because Islamic fundamentalists now rule there.
The Canadian House of Commons has passed motion M103 which singles out the criticism of Islam as a form of “Islamophobia”.
Taking on the role of a theologian, Theresa May insisted: “It is wrong to describe this as Islamic terrorism. It is a perversion of a great...
Saudi officials have been mocked for launching a Girls' Council without any girls at the launch.
ISIS issued new decrees intended to keep civilians in the city to be used as human shields when the battle for Raqqa begins.
Muslim Migrant Jihadi Posing As A '12 Year Old Refugee' Threatened To Kill Host Family Mother said ‘I’ll kill you all. I know where you live.'
New York Times this week panicking amid reports the Trump administration is debating the possibility of designation Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.
Senior Fatah leader Nabil Shaath says that the "only way" there will be peace is when the Jews get out of Israel.
While denying the existence of Islamic terrorism, Pope Francis also seemed to condemn the denial of global warming and promoted Climate Change.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Athens's says half a million Muslims are set to get their first official mosque in more than a century.
Muslims like to attempt to make the case that their god, Allah, is the same as the God of the Bible.
Iran discussed its plans for nuclear-powered ships with UN nuclear chief Yukiyo Amano on Sunday, saying it would present details within three months.
During the speeches which lasted almost an hour the crowd chanted Allahu Akbar 'God is the greatest' and cheered for those calling for a global caliphate.
Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei on Wednesday gave a warning that Tehran would retaliate if the sanctions are approved.
Iran is sending the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, the country’s elite military force, is sending assets to infiltrate the United States and Europe.
The Muslim festival of Ashura, which mourns the death of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, celebrates by bloodletting the faithful