Iran showed off missiles, tanks and marching troops in a display of force condemning the sovereign nation of Israel.
Islam can co-exist with secularism, President Francois Hollande said in France on Thursday.
Gulmurod Khalimov, the new ISIS military commander, was trained by the Obama State Department back in 2014.
The Obama administration disclosed to Congress on Tuesday that it transferred a total of $1.7 billion in cash through Swiss banks to Iran.
The president of Kyrgyzstan has said women can become radicalised by wearing Islamic dress like burkas, niqabs and the hijab.
Pope Francis said "If I speak of Islamic violence, I have to speak of Catholic violence." Wow, now we're getting somewhere. Preach it, Frankie Boy!
ISIS claim responsibility for the atrocity while Francois Hollande says France is 'at war' with the terror group.
A manhunt was underway Friday for a shooter or shooters who opened fire at a shopping mall in Munich, killing six people and wounding others.
Mother and 3 Daughters In France Stabbed By Muslim Attacker For Being 'Scantily Dressed'
A US-based Turkish cleric accused of plotting a coup to overthrow the Ankara government has claimed President Recep Erdogan staged the rebellion himself.
We, the American people, stand united in calling on president Barack Obama to do the right thing, and ban all trucks in the United States.
The deputy commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said the country has over 100,000 missiles in Lebanon alone readied for the “annihilation” of Israel.
A new burka ban has been enforced in a Swiss canton, with two people already being fined for defying it.
Bill O'Reilly shared photos of Barack Obama in traditional Islamic dress on his program Wednesday night
Many Christians and non-Christians know very little about what Mohammed, Islam and the Quran actually teach.
Muslims were joined by self-loathing Jews in the rally against Zionism in London on Al-Quds Day
Up to nine ISIS attackers shouting 'Allahu Akbar' stormed a popular restaurant in Dacca, Bangladesh Friday, killing dozens of people.
Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan today called for London to "take back control" of its own destiny in the aftermath of the EU referendum.
By the Numbers is an honest and open discussion about radical Islam, Muslim opinions and demographics.
Three Syrian Muslim refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body.
Islam And The Religion Of Peace Is The Greatest Single Threat The World Faces In 2016
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam...
Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in London’s public transport.
Muhammed Ali died today and he left this world without a Saviour, he stepped out into eternity without Jesus Christ.