President Obama took a step toward a tougher line with Israel in an interview released Tuesday, raising the possibility that the U.S. will allow a United...
ISIS terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula linked to the radical Islamic State group reportedly threatened Thursday to strike the port in Israel's southern city of Eilat...
It has been 67 years today, since Israel was declared the Jewish homeland in 1948. This was an amazing fulfillment of prophecy.
Former US president Jimmy Carter called Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal a strong proponent of the peace process Saturday, and said he wasn’t meeting with Prime Minister...
An Obama State Department official dismissed a plea Friday from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Iran nuclear agreement include clear recognition of his nation's...
70 years after the end of WWII, antisemitism around the world is on the rise on eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day “And he shall set up an...
A geologist in Jerusalem claims to have found “virtually unequivocal evidence” that could reopen the controversy over the final resting place of Jesus Christ.
In the week Jesus was crucified there are two sabbath days, not only one. You have the high Sabbath day on Thursday, which was the Passover....
The Israel Navy’s fourth submarine, the ISS Tanin, is expected to become fully operational in a few weeks and participate in naval operations.
The US reportedly breached the silent agreement to keep quiet on Israel's nuclear powers for the first time ever, detailing the nuclear program in great depth.
See the 1939 Flag of Palestine? What does it look like, are you surprised? Why, it is the Jewish flag of the land of Israel!
McDonough criticized Netanyahu's pre-election pledge to block the creation of a Palestinian state -- the supposed end goal of decades of fruitless peace talks -- and...
Netanyahu’s only sin is that he puts his nation’s security first and refuses to knuckle under to Obama’s endless demands for unilateral concessions.
The left wing liberal media is declaring Bibi a racist after the tactical units, sent by Obama, failed in their attempt to sabotage the elections in...
Did President Obama’s attacks against the Prime Minister backfire? Yes. “A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not...
TV exit polls Tuesday night showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Likud set to retain the Israeli leadership at the end of a bitter election campaign.
PM Netanyahu, speaking one last time before tomorrow’s election, is urging nationalists to vote Likud, saying that a left wing government in Israel will retreat along...
Benjamin Netanyahu recently said that there will be 'no concessions and no withdrawals" of any of the land of Israel to the Palestinians. That, my friends,...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will not cede territory due to the current climate in the Middle East, appearing to rule out the establishment of...
From the moment his name was announced, thunderous applause and cheering filled the House chambers as the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, made his way...
Tomorrow, PM Netanyahu will address Congress on behalf of the Jewish people — not just in Israel, but all over the world.
This week, through an amazing series of events, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will command the world's attention by giving a series of speeches in Washington,...
“This is the largest operational exercise in the past few years. I do not remember anything of this scale,” a senior army officer told Ynet.
A news agency based in Bethlehem, has sited a Kuwaiti newspaper report from yesterday, that Barack Obama foiled a planned Israeli military attack on Iran’s nuclear...