Gaffe Machine Joe Biden, 76, repeatedly stumbled over numbers and phrases throughout his second Democratic presidential primary appearance Wednesday night.
The Democrats are so eager to stop Creepy Joe Biden that they are now turning on the legacy of 8 years of first black president Barack...
Creepy Joe BIden said he would hold a summit in the United States within one year of taking office to return America back to globalism and...
Creepy Joe Biden Tells 10-Year-Old Girl at Rally: “I’ll Bet You’re as Bright as You are Good Looking” Then Grabs Her Shoulders
Hunter Biden was paid “as much as $50,000 per month” as a board member of Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm owned by a member of the...
Creepy Joe Biden has launched his 2020 campaign on the supposition the the Obama administration existed for 8 years without a 'whisper of scandal'
Creepy Joe Biden on Friday declined to directly apologize to the women who have accused him of inappropriate touching in an interview with the women anchors on...
Creepy Joe Biden launches 2020 presidential bid, says 'we are in a battle for the soul of this nation' as he faces accusations of unwanted touching.
Joe Biden offered comedy and a non-apology in front of a union crowd in Washington, D.C. joking about 'having permission' to touch a 9-year old boy...
An allegation that Joe Biden inappropriately touched Nevada state lawmaker Lucy Flores is renewing questions about his appeal to women in a 202 campaign.
Vice President Joe Biden has performed his first wedding ceremony – presiding over the 'marriage' of two men.
In too many places, Joe Biden said today, LGBT community members face violence with impunity, mistreatment by police, the denial of healthcare, or religious condemnation and...
Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has accepted a position with Ukraine's largest private gas producer, but that in no way means the White House...
Vice President Joe Biden calls for the creation of a “new world order” at the Export Import Bank conference in Washington on April 5, 2013. Click...
#joebiden is rambling like that crazy drunk uncle you always avoided at Thanksgiving. How have we survived 4 years of this stupidity?