Part #2 of looking at the 7 churches mentioned in Revelation, noting they reference things what were, that are, and that are to come.
Many Christians stay away from Revelation and the 7 churches because it’s ‘too difficult’, and tonight we will look at how to resolves those difficulties and...
The word 'matrix' is unique to the King James Bible, and appears 5 times, and has a lot to show us about what living in the...
Our apostle Paul has a lot to teach us about the word thanksgiving, and how very important it is to the prayer life of the blood...
The apostle Paul spent his entire saved life modeling the biblical pattern for Christian living and conduct, bearing in his body the marks of the Lord...
In Revelation 22 we see what eternity looks like, how life will operate, and how eternal life will be given to everyone who is not part...
In Revelation 20, we are presented with a magnificent and terrifying scene the Bible calls the great white throne judgment, this is Part 2.
In Revelation 20, we are presented with a magnificent and terrifying scene the Bible calls the great white throne judgment, and it is awesome.
Tonight we will supercharge our 'rightly dividing' skills by reviewing all the gospels of good news contained in your King James Bible.
The LORD'S Army at the Battle of Armageddon is made up of the born again Church and the redeemed Tribulation saints at the Second Coming.
We are looking at the biblical Mark of the Beast, the connection between electricity and Antichrist, and words that end in 'X'.
The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Gideon, and Manoah just to name a few, and that Angel was Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul was stoned to death and woke up in a place he calls the third heaven, and tonight we will visit all three heavens!
The pulpits have gone silent because there is a famine spreading across the world, a famine for hearing the words of the LORD.
Tonight we study differences and similarities between the COVID-19 vaccine with its Immunity Passport, and the biblical Mark of the Beast.
The apostle Paul says the 'good fight of faith' is directly related to who gets to 'rule and reign' with King Jesus in the Millennium.
We show you the shocking truth about the plot to get rid of the King James Bible as exposed in New Age Bible Versions from Gail...
Rightly dividing clearly shows that the born again Church was never Israel, and the Jews and Israel will never be the Church.
The Sermon on the Mount, doctrinally, is the constitution of the coming Kingdom of Heaven over which King Jesus will rule for a thousand years from...
Did God create people He had no intention of saving? What is predestination and election? The King James Bible has the answer tonight!
Tonight we will enter into this 'great debate' of Calvinism verses Arminianism, and let the Book decided. That's what Bible believers do.
We live in a day and age where you are forced 'pick one' from either Column A wherein resides Calvinism, or from Column B where we...
The book of Job is far more than just a tale of someone going through suffering, it is the entire 7-year time of Jacob's trouble for...
Matthew, Acts and Hebrews are the three main transitional books in your King James Bible, bridging dispensations between the Old and New Testaments.