Your King James Bible perfectly anticipated the heresies, cults and apostasies that plague us today warning us from the scripture of truth.
Tonight we will examine if perhaps some of the doctrinal beliefs that you've been taught have made you a hyper-dispensationalist.
There are two types of wine in the Bible, fermented wine containing alcohol, and wine called the 'new wine' and the 'pure blood of the grape'
The book of Acts has a lot to show us about what it looks like when dispensations overlap each other as one closes and the other...
A fascinating study about the many dispensational promises that God makes to the Church, to the Tribulation saints and to the lost.
You're invited to join us for a wild, 90-minute 'open forum' King James Bible study where the main topic is questions from your Bible study.
You're invited to join us for a wild, 90-minute 'open forum' King James Bible study where the main topic is questions from your Bible study.
Tonight I want to show you from both the Old and New Testaments that you finding the will of God for your life depends a lot...
We're looking at the evidence for the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, and evidence for the post-Tribulation rapture of the Tribulation saints.
Part #2 of the Son of Perdition Judas is going to "rent" a human body in order to become Antichrist on earth as seen in 2...
Son of Perdition Judas is going to "rent" a human body in order to become Antichrist on earth, which is exactly what the word "let" in...
The prophet Isaiah was never wrong, and we would do well to heed this prophetic word as we stand on the cusp of prophetic fulfillment.
We are looking at reasons from the Bible as to why the true student of scripture must of necessity stand on the authority of the King...
The writings of Paul form the basis of what church should be for us today, but sadly, modern church services bear little to no resemblance of...
We're looking at hyper-dispensationalism, which is not biblical, and comparing it to the God-ordained method of interpretation known as dispensationalism.
Tonight we are rightly dividing prophetical passages in the Bible looking for the historical, spiritual and doctrinal applications.
There is so much going on here in Luke 9 that it's hard to take it all, but as we do, we need to be rightly...
We are looking at what life will be like during the earthly Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ as King of Kings over the whole earth.
People want to know if there are any circumstances under which God will forgive someone who takes the Mark of the Beast, No, there's not.
As Ezekiel prophecies, the Jews and Israel are 'asleep at the switch' and getting ready to run off the tracks on the End Times Express.
We are looking at the subject of Christian unity within the Christian Church made up of thousands of denominations, is such a thing even possible?
We are looking at the momentous change underway in the nation of Israel right now, changes that will bring the Jews to the doorstep of the...
Everything is Matthew 25 is aimed dead on at Jews and Gentiles who are just now coming out of the very end of the time of...
Tonight we will honor the men and women that the Roman Catholic Church burned alive in the flames for daring to possess a Bible in English.