Here are just a few of the amazing events and inventions that have greatly advanced the end times prophetical timeline in Revelation
Biblical hermeneutics can only be understood and applied by first rightly dividing the scripture found inside of your King James Bible.
The Second Advent is the most prophesied event in the entire Bible, and yet it remains a mystery for much of the Body of Christ at...
If you want to hear from God, our King James Bible study will show you exactly how to do achieve that but be warned, it will...
2021 got off to exactly the start that we told you back in 2020 was likely, and not only has the nascent year met our end...
Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful...
Join us tonight as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ, bow down before Him, and ask the Lord for a fresh perspective in these...
During the time of Jacob's trouble, salvation will be by faith plus works, and there will be no eternal security, you can lose it!
Jesus tells us the time of Jacob's trouble will be just like it was in the days of Lot and Noah, as God judged the people...
Join us tonight as we travel through time to see how God has already judged nations and better understand if we are being judged right now.
For those of us who have spent any time in the book of Revelation, the prophecies of Habakkuk are very familiar and formidable.
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is THE main event that starts the day of Christ, day of the Lord and the time of Jacobs trouble.
Joshua is a wonderful type picture of King Jesus at the Second Coming, and facing the armies of Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon.
In the over 400 years since it was first published, the King James Bible has taken on all comers and remains, well, the king of Bible...
That startling connection between bible verses starting with '20' and '21' and end times prophecy related to the coming time of Jacob's trouble.
The creation of Santa Claus is to indirectly attack the deity of Jesus Christ and attempt to replace Him with a representative of Satan.
Humans are tripartite beings existing as a body, soul and spirit, and the moment you were saved God performed spiritual circumcision on you.
We are looking at the now-released COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, and identifying it as what it truly is, the forerunner to the biblical Mark of the Beast.
The second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy shows us the commission, the command and the conflict of this crazy year of 2020 we are...
Let's review the first three chapters of the book of Revelation in anticipation of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church in Spring 2021.
The death, burial and resurrection of Jonah who went to Hell and came back as an amazing type picture of Jesus Christ and His death, burial...
When we return with King Jesus at the Second Coming, the Eastern Gate will open as the sun, moon and stars willingly put their lights out.
The end times 'worship service' will go well past simply worshipping Mother Earth, it will include sexual rituals, drunkenness, and of course, blood sacrifice.
The answer for Christians in 2020 to The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is found in your King James Bible with the apostle Paul.