Seven angels who have seven trumpets come with seven judgments in this Part 2 of our The Seventh Seal series In our Tuesday night Bible study,...
The opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8 ushers in the ‘active phase’ of the time of Jacob’s trouble known as the great tribulation In...
The 144,000 are 12,000 male, virgin Jews from each of the twelve tribes, sealed by God to evangelize the massive last days revival One of the...
We take a look at some of the righteous kings and wicked rulers as found in the pages of your King James Bible, tonight we look...
Here on Election Night in America, we take a look at some of the righteous kings and wicked rulers as found in the pages of your...
On this episode, we give you the gospel truth about what your King James Bible has to say about politics in the life of the Bible...
For the Christian, Halloween is not what you think it is, and tonight, you’ll find out more than you ever wanted to know about it. It...
All over America in 2024, the Vatican is issuing the call for ‘wayward Christians’ to return home to ‘Mother Rome’, and sadly, many are answering that...
The gospel of the Tribulation is a works plus faith deal where, if your works fail, you cannot and do not ‘endure to the end’ and...
In Part 3 of our new Bible study series, we are looking at the Jews and the nation of Israel in the beginning of sorrows in...
In this new Bible study series, we are looking at the Jews and the nation of Israel in the beginning of sorrows in the days before...
Israel tonight stands on the cups of a regional war with Iran that many world leaders fear could become an all-out global conflict, is this the...
The Prophecy of Elam has been in your King James Bible all along, but with Iran in the news people are wanting to know exactly what...
In Part 3 of our series on the restoration of Israel, we show you what life will be like in the Millennium for the Jews, the...
In Part 2 of our new series on the restoration of Israel, we show you the Messianic line of Jesus Christ through Joseph and through Mary...
In Part 1 of our new series, we explore the Old and New Testament verses that show you the rule of King Jesus over the Kingdom...
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There...
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There...
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There...
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There...
The Song of Moses was first sung at the Red Sea, and will be last sung in Revelation as the Tribulation Saints triumph over Antichrist in...
The apostle Paul was given the Seven Mysteries from the Lord that form the foundation of Church Age Bible doctrine for the born again Christian The...
The Church started in persecution, and if the Bible is right, it will go into the Rapture in the flames of tribulation, just not the Great...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at one of the hardest attributes to develop in the Christian life, forgiveness. Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom...