Tonight we open our King James Bibles to learn all about the first and second resurrection, one leads to life and the other leads to death....
In the Church Age, your ‘good news’ of salvation is not clothing, boats or tablets of stone, it is believing on the death, burial and resurrection...
Tonight you will hear, some of you for the first time, what the Bible actually says about Christians and the drinking of alcohol Christianity has a...
In this episode, the apostle Paul finishes his course and prepares to go home to be with the Lord as his ministry comes to an end...
In this episode, the apostle Paul begins the process of writing 14 of the 27 books of what will become the New Testament We are so...
In this episode, Paul and Barnabas attend the Council at Jerusalem and codify the New Testament, Church Age gospel of salvation by grace through faith We...
In this episode, Saul is commissioned by the risen Lord Jesus Christ, joins the apostles and gets his named changed to Paul We are so very...
Jesus uses Saul as the archetype example of what grace is all about, and makes him the apostle for the Church in the brand-new Age of...
The main theme of your King James Bible is about the coming King, and just who has the right to rule over the Kingdom of Heaven...
Why on Earth is an angel preaching the ‘everlasting gospel’ from the sky? Whatever that is, it’s certainly not Paul’s gospel where he clearly says that...
When you know WHY the Jews and Israel must still go through the time of Jacob’s trouble and great Tribulation, it answers a whole lot of...
The First Century apostle Paul is going to stop in unannounced to ‘have a meeting’ at your 21st century church tonight, how do you think that...
Contained within our dusty, old archaic King James Bible, the answer to any question raised by the scriptures is already present in the scriptures, you just...
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God are two very different kingdoms that will come together at the Second Advent under the same King,...
If the Jews repented at the preaching of Stephen in Acts 7, that would mean no Church Age, no apostle Paul, no age of grace, no Christian...
Paul wrote the New Testament books of Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon while in jail, we call these the ‘prison epistles’ and they are both powerful...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
Paul wrote the New Testament books of Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon while in jail, we call these the ‘prison epistles’ and they are both powerful...
Paul wrote the New Testament books of Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon while in jail, we call these the ‘prison epistles’ and they are both powerful...
Paul wrote the New Testament books of Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon while in jail, we call these the ‘prison epistles’ and they are both powerful...