Paul’s letter to the Corinthians is just as fresh today as it was 2,000 years ago, and every bit as much needed for the Church now...
Deliverance ministries are all the rage in 2023, but what does your King James Bible have to saying about casting out demons in the Church Age?...
The true currency of the Book is blood, and we invite you to come with us to see the blood from God’s perspective I spent some...
Careful! The streets are lined with a trail of lukewarm Christians who swore the falling away could never happen to them, but it did. Don’t let...
On tonight’s Open Forum we will look at the Sermon on the Mount, Rightly Dividing, the best way to use a Bible commentary and take your...
Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see how Satan is using, and has always used, music to create a false revival spirit to deceive...
Join us tonight as we examine the current UFO hysteria in light of the Genesis 6 giants and the upcoming Days of Noah after the Pretribulation...
Did Jesus go to Hell after finishing the payment on the cross at Calvary? Yep, He sure did, and what happens next will blow you away!...
Most Christians do not know the difference between the body of Christ and the local Church, and as you will see, there are some huge differences...
Join us tonight on this episode of ‘Rightly Dividing’ as we go looking for angels…and find them! Quite often I will get questions from people regarding...
The coming reopening of the Pool of Siloam is exactly what you’d expect to see if they were getting ready to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem,...
The prophet Ezekiel shows us the stunning, and future, Temple in Jerusalem where King Jesus will sit and reign from the Throne of David in Israel!...
Join us for New Year’s Eve as we come before the Lord and ask Him to give us everything we need to send out one million...
The angel of the Lord is directing the shepherds to the very place where they sacrificed baby lambs to see the baby Jesus wrapped in the...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
Join us for Part 7 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 17-19 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
Join us for Part 6 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 14-16 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
Join us for Part 5 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 13-15 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
Join us for Part 4 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 11-13 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
Join us for Part 3 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 8-10 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
The prophecy of the 70 Weeks that Gabriel gave to the prophet Daniel are some of the most complex anywhere in the Bible outside the book...
Join us for Part 2 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 6-19 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
Tonight we cover the entire end times timeline of the coming 7-year time of Jacob’s trouble, come and endure to the end with us at Selah...
The Jehovah’s Witnesses preach and teach a very detailed system of theology, but how close does it come to matching up with biblical Christianity? The Watchtower...