From claimed appearances of Jesus everywhere from Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida, all the way over to the Arab world and down to Africa, people are...
As we reported to you this past Easter Sunday, Celebration Church pastor Stovall Weems claimed he had a face to face encounter with Jesus Christ. Weems...
Today Pastor Stovall Weems of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL, claimed to have seen Jesus face to face, and heard His voice audibly with his ears....
Evangelical 'minister' Gloria Copeland who advised President Donald Trump's campaign sparked an uproar Tuesday by suggesting that Christian faith makes people immune from the flu.
Prosperity preacher Kenneth Copeland recently acquired a Gulfstream V private jet, which his staff says is “debt free” because of the donations of his followers. The announcement...
NAR and Dominion are a true fulfillment of Paul's prophecy that in the last days there would be a great falling away from doctrinal, biblical Christianity.
Bethel Church has created a "ministry" to partner with the Christalignment people called 'Mind, Body and Spirit'. Christalignment is pro-LGBTQ and occult.
The Church of Sweden is urging its clergy to use gender-neutral language when referring to the God, refraining from using terms like "Lord" and "He".
False teacher Paula White is a shameless Laodicean gospel pimp who has never yet met a scripture she could twist into making her a dollar.
It hasn't opened, and yet the Museum of the Bible is already embroiled in controversy again. The story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is absent.
The main theme of the Bible is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to rule and reign as King over all the nations, literally, physically and...
Those wishing to soak up more liturgical atmosphere can now do so in luxury, thanks to a new Church of England laodicean glamping pod scheme.
'Generational Sins', in theaters Oct. 6 via Freestyle Digital Media, contains 32 profanities, not unusual except that Sins is a faith-based Christian movie.
Televangelist Joel Osteen canceled services at his Houston megachurch Sunday and has yet to reopen its doors despite thousands of desperate people in need.
The Apostle Paul would not recognize today's 501 (c) (3) Laodicean church corporation with all its building programs, fund drives and tax dodges.
On the official Rivers Sandton Campus website they proudly point to thier relationship with mega-bux "church" Hillsong United.
Pop insiders sensationally claim Justin Bieber may have cancelled his current long-running tour so he can start up his own CHURCH with Hillsong's Carl Lenz.
An Associated Press investigation has found that Word of Faith Fellowship used its two church branches in Brazil to run a modern-day slave ring.
Can Hank Hanegraaff continue to be the “Bible Answer Man,” after converting to the Greek Orthodox Church last spring? Many people are saying no.
Mark Kennedy grew up a Catholic and thought he was done with religion. And then he stumbled on the podcast 'Harry Potter and the Sacred Text.'
Rev. Louie Giglio, from the Passion City Church of Atlanta paid worship to the Roman pontiff Pope Francis at Spirit Convocation in 2015.
Eugene Peterson, the man behind The Message translation of the Bible, says he would perform a same-sex marriage ceremony if asked.
The Church of England has voted to ‘welcome transgender people’ by preparing a church service as a way to “mark a person’s gender transition”.
Mystery Babylon is not America, it's not Islam, and it's not the New World Order. It's the Roman Catholic Church system in Revelation 17 and 18.