James Crocker, also 25, says it’s much more awkward to donate the old way. “I was so anti writing my name on an envelope—it was a...
Heidi Baker is a rising star in the Prosperity Movement, and she is connected with Bethel Church in Redding, California. She has a global ministry that...
The teaching of tithing for Christians is not limited to only the heretical Prosperity Movement, I have been in many hardcore, fundamental, King James Only Baptist...
Rafael Cruz indicated that his son Ted Cruz is among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as "kings" to take control of all sectors of society,...
A pastor has started offering the UK’s first ever transgender baptisms, allowing the afflicted to be welcomed into God’s family according to their new, chosen gender...
The Word of Faith "Jesus" bears no resemblance to the perfect, sinless Son of God found in the pages of God's preserved word. If you claim...
In a highly-ironic twist, the same church that produced the very first president of the Southern Baptist Convention is now an LGBT-affirming, pro-same sex marriage, and...
Professional evangelical mercenaries Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, feeling the sting of conviction for their lavish sheep-funded lifestyles, has released a video to support their traveling...
When someone sent us this video today, it shows that Hillsong Church has reached a new low in their adoration of emulating a lost and dying...
"We want to draw on the excitement surrounding Star Wars in order to reach new people and teach them about the birth of Jesus Christ, in...
United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, says she believes pro-life protesters in front of Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities have “misguided faith.”
On Friday, October 23, John Hagee is having Joel Osteen as their keynote guest speaker at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Hagee's website does not...
After that stunning spiritual flop, Pope Francis then spoke about how much he wished to "enter into a dialogue" with the American people. This is where...
Joel Osteen excitedly begins to urge his followers to repeat after him - “Alright just repeat after me. I am strong. I am healthy. I am...
Hey, remember the days when Liberty University used to be a Christian college? Not so much anymore. Proof of that is yesterday's speech by anti-American Socialist...
Churchianity is a counterfeit and perverted form of Christianity that covertly epitomizes humanism with a sort of ‘build-a-bear’ Jesus attached. It “praises Jesus” while rejecting nearly...
Why Hillsong chose to lie about it when it was so well know remains a mystery that hopefully they will explain at some point.
Today, senior Pastor of Hillsong Church International, Brian Houston, issued his response to the rapidly escalating controversy. You may read the entire article in full here,...
Josh Canfield and Reed Kelly, are a proudly-out homosexual couple who preach the gospel of the LGBT Agenda. They also lead the worship choir at Hillsong...
Former President Jimmy Carter sounded off on the issue of same-sex marriage on the heels of last month’s Supreme Court ruling declaring bans on same-sex marriage...
On her Facebook page, Darlene Zschech breathlessly gushed "The prep has begun in Rome. I can feel the prayers. Honoured to be with Pope Francis and...
When you get to the end of Rick Warren's video and he is telling his congregation that "people won't be in Heaven because you didn't tithe...
Controversial televangelist Benny Hinn has claimed in a message that the "greatest wealth transfer in human history" is approaching, and asked people to sow money into...
Can cessationism, the view that the Charismatic gifts have ended, be proved? Some say that the cessationism cannot be conclusively proved from Scripture. We believe, however,...