Christine Caine, a Hillsong bible teacher and evangelist, was recently speaking at the same event as bible perverter Joyce "ye are little gods" Meyer. Caine laid...
Laodicean church pastor Rick Warren appeared in Congress with pop icon and outspoken homosexual Elton John on Wednesday to ask for more money for AIDS research.
Hillsong United mega-church is a huge multi-million dollar corporation that rakes in more money on a yearly basis than the church is able to spend.
Apostate evangelical Tony Campolo has long been a teacher of questionable doctrine. Now he wants Christians to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Homosexuality and Biblical Christianity don’t have to be in conflict in any church anywhere. That many Christians regard them as incompatible is understandable, an example not...
Have you ever stopped to wonder why we never hear stories of Jews coming to salvation to Jesus Christi through Hagee's efforts? The sad truth is,...
The Radically Inclusive Spirit and Truth Sanctuary, which D.E. Paulk founded in 2012, welcomes everyone from Wiccans to atheists, Hindus to Muslims, recognizing all gods and...
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved redefining marriage in the church constitution Tuesday to include a "commitment between two people," becoming the largest Protestant group to formally...
“It’s sad that people use religion and idolatry of the Bible to demoralize same-gender-loving people,” American Baptist College President Forrest Harris told The Tennessean on Wednesday.
"We're moments away," Rob Bell said. "I think culture is already there and the church will continue to be even more irrelevant when it quotes letters...
As impossible as it might sound, there is a shift happening right now within the professing Christian church towards, not away from, accepting same-sex marriage. And...
The Message has sold over 10 million copies. The list of prominent people in the Christian world who endorse this evil work is beyond belief. The...
In Billy Graham's own words, you will hear about his half-century long partnership with the Vatican,and how "the Pope and I agree on nearly everything".
Top televangelist Joel Osteen is caught up in a potential financial scandal that could destroy his $50 million empire
Lutheran church Rev. Martin Junge, says relations between the Lutheran and Catholic churches have reached an epoch-making turning-point.
So just for fun tonight, I paid a visit to Joel Osteen's Twitter account and read through every text for the past year.
“In spite of the advertisements and talk about health and fitness Christian yoga’s real goal is to awaken Kundalini power, coiled like a serpent at the...
The sickening spectacle that is the Great Falling Away “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come...
There is a hardcore, full-court press happening right now to unify all Christian denominations under the banner of the Roman Catholic Church, and the charge is...
The first Muslim prayer service was held inside the Washington Nation Cathedral this afternoon, and was interrupted by a Christian woman who shouted out that "Jesus...
In a video clip released last week entitled “Do You Love Santa Claus,” Cameron stated that “maybe someone like Santa Claus is actually on our team.”
The conference will be held Nov. 17-19 at the Vatican, and is expected to feature more than 30 speakers from over 20 countries. According to the...
Those who attended said a shift was taking place as the church navigates issues such as the increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage.
The Catholic Church no longer teaches creationism - the belief that God created the world in six days - and says that the account in the...