2020 presidential candidate gay mayor Pete Buttigieg counseled a nine-year-old boy on how to come out as gay Saturday night at a campaign event.
The upcoming Pixar movie 'Onward' in theaters on March 6, will feature first-ever LGBTQ+ Disney character in a feature film aimed at impressionable kids.
Marvel Comics is promoting its first man-on-man gay kiss, which will be featured in The Eternals, which hits theaters on November 20.
Fitbit female health tracker app under fire from transgender LGBTQ crazies for not including non-women who menstruate in their wellness software.
Far-Left coffee house Starbucks launches commercial on teenager “transitioning” from female to male, donates profits to transgender children’s group.
Gay mayor Pete Buttigieg’s Husband Chasten Will Call Himself ‘First Gentleman’ if gay mayor Pete Buttigieg Becomes President In 2020, sodom and gomorrah.
A convicted child rapist is reportedly to be released from prison in Iowa because he is no longer deemed a threat since he began transgender hormone...
Drag queens to make historical debut in commercial during Super Bowl LIV in an ad for Sabra hummus featuring drag queens from Ru Paul's Drag Race.
The LGBTQ+ advocacy group Garden State Equality started 're-education' public school teachers in New Jersey this month on mandatory new gay curriculum.
The University of Queensland's Liberal National Club in Australia said they demonstrated against the event to fight against children 'being indoctrinated with radical gender theories'.
That the LGBTQ+ Movement is working to help MAPS and pedophiles gain acceptance, like the way they have done for the transgenders, is an indisputable fact.
Last year, 13 men gave birth in Australia. The men are transgender men who are still physically able to bear children. So obviously they are still...
Hallmark Movie Channel reinstates lesbian kissing commercial, announces new partnership with gay activist group GLAAD to produce LGBTQ+ Christmas movies.
Ketcham High in the NY Wappingers Central School District turned down Daniela Barca's request for a Christian club but approved LGBT Pride club instead.
St. Paul's Church of Sweden has unveiled the country’s first-ever LGBTQ+ altarpiece 'Paradise' showing gay and lesbian couples in the Garden of Eden.
Chick-fil-A funding Covenant House and Leftist attack group Southern Poverty Law Center as their stunning shift Left continues to shock and disgust people.
Hallmark Movies Channel CEO Bill Abbott signals openness to LGBTQ+ gay Christmas films in 2020, saying he wil do movies about "any kind of relationship".
Top Hollywood studios like Walt Disney are spending millions on promoting and funding the new drag queen economy that has taken America by storm.
The Austin Independent School District (AISD) Board of Trustees in Texas voted to approve radical pro-LGBTQ and pedophile friendly sex education curriculum.
The LGBTQ+ is waging a multi-front cultural, political and economic war against the God of Abraham, His Bible, His Son Jesus and the Christian Church .
Should Christians refer to transgender people by their preferred pronouns, or should we instead stand with God and the Bible as the end times get darker?
Chick-fil-A announced that it will now fund Covenant House, a radical LGBTQ activist organization that celebrates homosexuality and transgenderism.
Palatine high school student Julie Barca weeps as board votes to allow unrestricted access for transgenders to the girl's locker area and bathrooms.
Gay advocacy organization GLAAD was not impressed with stopping funding of the Salvation Army and now demands that Chick-fil-A disavow its Christian values.