Communist Bernie Sanders has pulled away from White House rivals Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden as he continues to lead California’s Democrat primary race.
CNN host Don Lemon and two guests on his show are facing backlash after they mocked President Trump's supporters and depicted them as uneducated.
Adam Schiff argued on Tuesday that a refusal by the Senate to agree to Democrats’ demands would prove Trump was guilty at impeachment trial today.
Bernie Sanders in 1979 was a member of the Socialist Workers Party that sided with Iran and against the United States during the 1979 Iranian Hostage...
Medicare For All could come with a 42% national sales tax, something that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren & the Democratic candidates are not telling you.
A shocking new poll shows that 47 percent of young Democrats believe that other countries are better than the United States, say America was never great.
A bill has been introduced in the Vermont state Senate that would make it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to use or possess...
Nancy Pelosi said, 'Congress will introduce and vote on a war powers resolution" this week to limit the president's military actions regarding Iran.'
Netflix comedian Michelle Wolf on her new Netflix special 'Joke Show' says that killing her baby in abortion made her feel powerful as she cried "I...
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders calls Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “racist” says America must become a pro-Palestinian nation.
President Donald J. Trump was impeached on Wednesday by House Democrats In Desperate Coup To Stop Re-election. Just minutes ago, the Democratically-controlled Congress in Washington voted...
Hundreds of illegal immigrants line up at New York City motor vehicles offices on first day of Green Light Law for drivers licences from the Democrats.
Creepy Joe Biden on his 'No Malarkey' tour at Iowa Town Hall exploded as asked questions about Ukraine scandal, calls man 'fat' challenges to do push...
Nancy Pelosi Directs House Democrats in Congress To Proceed With Articles Of Impeachment Against President Trump to reverse 2016 election start Civil War 2.
President George Washington issues his thanksgiving proclamation of 1789, giving Almighty God all the thanks, praise and glory for His blessings to us.
Drama queen Adam Schiff closes public hearing with animated speech: ‘This president believes he is above the law’ in ridiculous impeaching closing statement
Americans and the world can decide for themselves as House Democrats let the public in to the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. Adam Schiff got his impeachment...
Adam Schiff Rejects GOP Request for ‘Whistleblower’ Testimony as ‘Redundant and Unnecessary’, Says Will Prevent Joe And Hunter Biden From Impeachment Scam.
Climate change bully Greta Thunberg now stares down on the people of San Francisco in massive Socialist style mural meant to instill fear and intimidation.
ABC News spiked an expose by Amy Robach into convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his network of connections to powerful men, including Bill Clinton.
Circumstantial evidence is mounting that the Russian Kremlin succeeded in infiltrating the Obama administration and US government at the highest levels.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is proposing to radically alter the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and divert aid to Hamas.
Beto O'Rourke drops out of 2020 presidential race while Creepy Joe Biden places fourth behind gay mayor Pete Buttigieg in Iowa straw poll this week.
Bernie Sanders talked to reporters in front of some empty store shelves about the virtues of Socialism, conjuring visions of Venezuela and the Soviet Union.