Impeachment proceedings on President Trump come as Democrats are heading into a closed-door meeting with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Burisma Holdings and Ukraine.
“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. How dare you!” Great Thunberg at UN
Pressure is mounting on Sen. Bernie Sanders to cut ties with longtime campaign surrogate Linda Sarsour, citing her long history of anti-Semitic comments.
For 50 years, Liberal Democrats have made failed predictions about climate change that used to be called Global Warming until things started getting cold.
“New Voices in Science and Technology Studies: A C3 Symposium,” set for early November at the private Williams College does not want whites taking part.
For those of you who missed the Third Democratic Debate, like I did, here is a unintentionally funny video of the side-splitting highlights.
Antifa members are violent advocates of a murderous ideology according to “The Black Book of Communism,” killed between 85 100 million people last century.
Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to have a blood vessel burst in his left eye while participating in CNN's town hall on climate change.
New Age witch and presidential candidate Marianne Williamson suggested Hurricane Dorian didn’t make landfall as in the U.S. because of mind control.
Brit Hume Suggests Biden's Gaffes Are Actually Associated with Dementia and we predict that Joe Biden will soon be stepping down from 2020 Democratic race.
Shocking Raw Video Shows Attempted Stabbing Of US Marine Veteran By Domestic Terror Group ANTIFA At Portland Riots Last Weekend
Appearing at the Native American Presidential Forum in Sioux City, Iowa, on Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologized for having made unfounded claims of tribal descent.
Israel has decided to deny entry to 2 US congresswomen, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, over their support for boycotting the Jewish state and anti-semitism.
Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid al-Adha, the feast of sacrifice, and slaughtering ten millions animals as activist group PETA remains silent.
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has hanged himself inside his New York City jail cell, becoming the latest member of the fabled Clinton Body Count.
2020 Democratic frontrunner Creepy Joe Biden was at the Iowa State Fair on Thursday and apparently he couldn’t handle any questions asked by conservatives.
Kill every fascist,” mass shooter Connor Betts declared in 2018 on twitter, echoing a rallying cry of ANTIFA ideologues calling for violence and hate.
In the wake of mass shootings, Obama on Monday issued a lengthy statement urging Americans to reject leaders who feed "a climate of fear and hatred."
Liberals who decry Trump's "culture of violence" are applauding a new Hollywood movie called 'The Hunt' which targets deplorables who support the president.
Rep Elijah Cummings 7th District in Baltimore is mostly a rat infested slum where gut-wrenching poverty spills out from every corner. Trump was right again.
Gaffe Machine Joe Biden, 76, repeatedly stumbled over numbers and phrases throughout his second Democratic presidential primary appearance Wednesday night.
Quinnipiac poll says more Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, says Time magazine.
CNN photo editor Mohammed Elshamy was exposed as an anti-Semite after numerous political operatives and news outlets dove into his Twitter history and discovered his hatred.
Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller frequently appeared confused during his much-anticipated Capitol Hill testimony Wednesday on Russian collusion.