The Democrats are so eager to stop Creepy Joe Biden that they are now turning on the legacy of 8 years of first black president Barack...
Hodan Nalayeh, a journalist traveled to Somalia last week to prove Somalia is “beautiful” and to challenge ‘stereotypes’ ended up being killed by Islamic terrorists.
The four congresswomen women of 'The Squad' are hardcore radical Socialists who are against Israel, for open borders, for illegal immigration and a Palestinian state.
Creepy Joe Biden and gay mayor Pete Buttigieg were more than happy to go before a radical anti-Israel Left-Wing group IfNotNow and speak against Israel.
Democrats in Aurora, Colorado removed the U.S. flag, replaced it with a Mexican flag, and spray painted graffiti on a Blue Lives Matter flag at ICE...
Creepy Joe BIden said he would hold a summit in the United States within one year of taking office to return America back to globalism and...
Former President Bill Clinton took a romantic jaunt in 2002 to convicted pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s 'orgy island' with “two young girls” from New York.
Top US Women’s Soccer players toss American flag in grass after victory, and stomp on it while celebrating their victory over the Netherlands.
Jeffrey Epstein, Florida billionaire and friends with Bill Clinton, was arrested in New York on Saturday evening on child sex trafficking charges.
Betsy Ross was a member of the Quakers, a religious anti-slavery group that worked for over 150 years to abolish slavery in the United States. Tell...
A powerful combination of sociological and demographic forces are propelling Texas from one of the reddest states in the union into a swing blue state.
Former first lady Laura Bush criticized the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy that has seen nearly 2,000 children separated from their parents.
“When they talk about God, they are not talking about the real God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who revealed Himself in...
Shoe giant Nike has pulled plug on its new Fourth Of July 'Betsy Ross' sneakers after alt-left liberal Colin Kaepernick said American Flag symbol of hate.
During the violent rioting by ANTIFA protesters in Portland, Oregon this weekend, two men attending a “Him Too” gathering were viciously beaten by them.
The Democratic 2020 Debates are over and host NBC News has declared a winner, and that winner is President Donald Trump. Liberals freak out.
Google executive Jen Gennai was caught on hidden cam revealing secret plans by the search engine giant to 'stop Trump' in the upcoming 2020 elections.
Twenty Democratic 2020 presidential candidates attending a Planned Parenthood forum on Saturday vowed to vigorously defend abortion rights at all times.
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 (ACR 99) calls on pastors to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual behavior.
Democrat run California is being suffocated by not only their massive homeless problem, but also by the diseases like typhus that come along with that.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi told senior Democrats that she’d like to see President Donald Trump in prison as Democrats move closer to launching impreachment.
Former US Vice President Al Gore will visit Brisbane next year to conduct climate change leadership training for up to a 1000 people from across Australia.
Serial pedophiles and convicted child molesters in New York are having their erectile dysfunction medication paid for by medicaid.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders expressed his willingness to move the US Embassy from Jerusalem back to Tel Aviv if it would help bring peace between the...