Climate change protesters have now taken over the main hall of the Natural History Museum In London in their latest stunt of two weeks of demonstrations.
Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders went out of their way to avoid using words like 'christian' and 'church' after Islamic terror attacks.
The far left's frustration with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on the rise, as liberal advocates and lawmakers fume as she struggles to retain power.
GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw blasted Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar for describing the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something” to a Muslim rights group CAIR.
Gay Mayor Pete Buttigieg criticized Vice President Mike Pence’s version of Christianity and said it was time for a 'more inclusive' vision of faith.
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez played the victim card as she complained on Friday about the backlash she faced after she spoke to an audience of predominantly...
Joe Biden offered comedy and a non-apology in front of a union crowd in Washington, D.C. joking about 'having permission' to touch a 9-year old boy...
If you want to understand just how radicalized the Democratic Party has become in recent years, look at the ascent of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
An allegation that Joe Biden inappropriately touched Nevada state lawmaker Lucy Flores is renewing questions about his appeal to women in a 202 campaign.
Former president Barack Obama allegedly told Muslim congresswoman Rep. Rashida Tlaib that he was "proud" of her during a meeting yesterday.
After watching this video, you will know without a doubt why the Liberal media and political industrial complex must stop Donald Trump at all costs.
Professor Alan Krueger, a top adviser to former Presidents Obama and Clinton, has been found dead of an apparent suicide. Body count dead pool victim.
The Mueller report and its potential implications have driven Rachel Maddow and MSNBC network’s coverage—and monster ratings—for two years. Now it's over.
Crooked Chicago Prosecutors Make A Secret, Sealed Deal That Allows Liberal MAGA Hate Crime Hoaxer Jussie Smollett To Simply Walk Free.
Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti has been arrested on charges related to an alleged $20 million extortion of the athletic apparel company Nike, federal authorities in New York...
For two years, CNN, MSNBC and the Liberal fake news media intentionally lied to and deceived the America people with the phony Russian Collusion narrative.
Now that President Trump has been exonerated, perhaps it's time to open up an investigation into the high crimes and misdemeanors of Hillary Clinton.
Hollywood Liberal Barbra Streisand says pedophile Michael Jackson’s child accusers were ‘thrilled to be there’ and his ‘sexual needs were his sexual needs’.
Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is slated to speak next month at a benefit for CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, known for supporting terrorist organizations.
Fake news media darling Beto O'Rourke attacks Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and joins growing group of "new" Democrats who hate Israel and the Jews.
The Walt Disney Company’s $71.3 billion purchase of key 21st Century Fox properties will close on Wednesday, ushering in a Liberal new age for Fox News.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drew backlash on Twitter after criticizing those who offered prayers after the mass shooting at two mosques in New Zealand.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an interview that she opposes moving to impeach President Trump even though she believes he is “unfit” for office
Former President Barack Obama said Monday that hope is possible for the future if the next generation of leaders is modeled after himself and former first...