House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday she has no idea why the Obamacare website isn’t working and that it’s not her “responsibility.”
CAMBRIDGE, Maryland–House Republicans responding to President Obama’s State of the Union vow to move forward on a “year of action” with or without Congress say they...
I know what you’re thinking – just seven? Actually most of Obama’s speech was filled with the same old platitudes and empty rhetoric that bellows out...
On Sunday's episode of Good Luck Charlie, children all across America who tuned in were smacked in the face with a lesbian couple.
Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, whose documentary 2016: Obama's America took a critical look at President Barack Obama and was a surprise hit in 2012, will be...
“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the...
After 5 years of Obama rule, every Socialist, Communist and Marxist within the Continental US feels like they now have a voice.
Last year, high-ranking NSA official Bill Binney said, “We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.” Now, Binney says that the U.S. has already...
He’ll try to distract the public from his painful Obamacare takeover by doing something even more painful — showing how he has mismanaged the economy and...
ObamaCare has delivered another sucker punch to the middle class. This time it's sticker shock.
They went in search evidence of the world’s melting ice caps, but instead a team of climate scientists have been forced to abandon their mission …...
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) sent out a paranoid email Saturday evening urging supporters to vote for Democrats so that Republicans can’t impeach President Obama.
How it is possible that Mr. Obama is able to simply wave his hand and decree certain aspects of that law to suddenly be suspended or...
Obama has started his DNA Checkpoints with that Nazi-esque tactic of making it 'voluntary' at the beginning. Go study the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany,...
The Republican party and the Democratic party are two heads of the same beast. They continue with the same actions, the same agendas, only the names...
An Obama-ordered drone strike fifteen people on their way to a wedding in Yemen who were killed after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda...
Volunteer fire departments all across the U.S. could find themselves out of money and unable to operate unless Congress or the Obama Administration exempts them from...
Michael Cannon testified before Congress today that the precedent set by Obama could eventually lead to an armed revolt against the federal government.
Riven with symbols, secret messages and evocative imagery; this year's Kardashians' Christmas card is a radical departure from their classic glamorous ensemble shot.
A Senate with no rules. A president without boundaries. One day, when a few bottled-up judicial nominees and a malfunctioning health-care Web site are barely a...
Families USA is a far cry from “non-partisan” and is extremely close to the Obama Administration and Enroll America – the group leading the efforts to...
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry secretly agreed to elevate Iran to the status of seventh world power, as a strong inducement for...
In the cruel politics of the Middle East, the partial nuclear agreement between Iran and the world’s six most important powers proves that the West will...