Obamacare is so much more than just an "insurance marketplace", it is a tool. A tool designed to render our beloved founding documents as moot and...
“Whenever I’m asked what is the most manipulative and secretive administration I’ve covered, I always say it’s the one in office now,” Bob Schieffer, CBS News...
The Kentucky Obamacare marketplace has no “expectation of privacy,” warning its prospective customers that their information can be monitored and shared with government bureaucrats.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says that if he owned the Washington Redskins, he would “think about changing” the team name, wading into the controversy...
“It is the worst law ever passed in the last four decades by the federal government,” Stockman argues. “It is a massive entitlement to end all...
Noun: narcissist, narcist (someone in love with themselves) The prophet Daniel said, when speaking of the Antichrist to come, that he would be very much taken with himself,...
A police officer was reported injured after gunshots at the U.S. Capitol, police said Thursday. They locked down the entire complex, at least temporarily derailing debate...
Using Department of Motor Vehicles records as its core, the state government is quietly developing a master identity database of Virginia residents for use by state...
Israel's prime minister declared Tuesday that his country will never allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, even if it has to act alone, and he dismissed...
For a country that is supposed to be the most powerful in the world, the fact that Americans have today woken up to find large swathes...
Senators gave up first, adjourning soon after midnight, while House lawmakers stuck it out past 1 a.m. But with a middle ground proving elusive and senators...
A quiet change was made on the Healthcare.gov website regarding those who will still not be able to afford coverage after the program kicks in. It's...
The U.S. Navy research laboratory says the blimp is a government research airship conducting aerial mapping, and that the MZ-3A lighter than air blimp began roaming...
Netanyahu's strategy is to say that this whole Iran-peace thing is a big hoax," Gilboa said. "There are no buyers for his message."
“Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment...
25 Republicans in the Senate also voted in the affirmative on an amendment to fund ObamaCare, and the continuing resolution with this funding passed.
Lew again warned that President Barack Obama would not negotiate with Republicans over the debt limit.
Secretary of State John Kerry plans to sign a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation on Wednesday, a senior State Department official told Fox News --...
They received stunning news. Insurance for the Mangiones and their two boys,which they bought on the individual market, was going to almost triple in 2014 ---...
Go to any new iPhone running Apple's new iOS7 operating system and tap to open the World Clock feature. Tap the + sign to add a...
The FBI has released its CRIME in the United States 2012 report, featuring the official crime stats nationwide for 2012. Chicago led the nation with 500...
#benghazicoverup "How is it after 29 systemic failures and two bombings and no one is held accountable?" Chaffetz said. "That's ridiculous."
House Republicans passed their stopgap funding bill Friday to keep government open while terminating the new health care law, setting up a final showdown next week...
The US State Department signaled that it would not insist that Syrian President Bashar Assad produce the list Saturday, the end of a seven-day period spelled...