The average price of gasoline will surpass $3 per gallon Tuesday for the 1,000th consecutive day. That's never happened before, the motoring organization says.
Obama spokesman Jay Carney said the president is implementing executive actions and reiterated his commitment to strengthening gun laws, including expanding background checks to sales online...
Syria has moved 20 trucks worth of equipment and material used for the manufacturing of chemical weapons into neighboring Iraq, the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal reported on...
Obama also defended his approach to the Syrian crisis, acknowledging that it has been turbulent, but insisting that it has achieved the right results.
A leaked copy of the world’s most authoritative climate study reveals scientific forecasts of imminent doom were drastically wrong.
But there it was, in Wednesday’s edition: “suddenly Mr. Putin has eclipsed Mr. Obama as the world leader driving the agenda in the Syria crisis.”
The California Legislature voted Thursday night to allow driver's licenses for immigrants in the U.S. illegally. After years of setbacks and strong opposition, the state Legislature...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress. Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency...
Right now, Putin is laughing to himself. Whatever. If Obama wants to sell it like a Christmas miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue that’s fine with Putin, because...
This muddled, rambling and obviously confused stream of consciousness only serves to illustrate all too well that Obama really has no message, no coherent foreign policy...
Terrified Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’ their ancient village. Opposition forces, including fighters linked...
To see the leader of the Democrat Party be this dismissive of the United Nations in the run up to his rush to war in the...
Putin escalated concerns about the fallout from any strike when he indicated in an interview published Wednesday that his country could send Syria and its neighbors...
Asked by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) about how much those countries would contribute, Kerry said they have offered to pay for all of a full invasion.
Folks, this is out of control. Did you ever think that you would live to see the day when a Muslim-raised, American president would lead the...
Leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Tuesday they reached an agreement on a draft resolution to use military force in Syria, setting a 60-day...
Democratic Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton said today that at the current time, the only reason she would vote in favor of an attack on Syria was...
“The most astonishing thing is the lack of any urgency,” Krauthammer said. Obama says, ‘I can strike in a day or a week or a month,’...
“And you know,” said Obama, “ is the right thing to do, to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in kindergarten.”
A Facebook post said to be written by the 11-year-old son of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad may offer a glimpse into the mindset of Syria’s...
The Associated Press quoted Hossein Sheikholeslam, a member of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly, as saying that “the Zionist regime” — a reference to Israel — “will...
Obama now says "If there is any action taken, it will be concert with the international community and within the framework of legal justification". My, how...
If the police arrest you, do they need a warrant to rifle through your cellphone? Courts have been split on the question. Last week the Obama...
A legislative change taking effect in Germany this November allows parents to opt out of determining their baby’s gender. The law is the first of its...