New York governor Andrew Cuomo received an Emmy award for his 'masterful leadership' during COVID, but he was hiding a deadly secret.
Senate acquits Donald Trump of incitement charge in impeachment trial led by House Democrats who hate him with a demonic passion.
T.J. Ducklo was not fired after verbally assaulting and threatening a female reporter, violating a major Joe Biden campaign promise.
Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban has confirmed to ESPN that he directed his team to stop playing the national anthem before home basketball games.
America now exists is a state of civil war brought on by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the Progressive Far Left Marxist Democrats.
Why is Anthony Fauci constantly displaying the sign of the master of the second veil from Freemasonry, and why is Washington DC occultic?
Time magazine has published a detailed account of the Joe Biden 2020 election process including a secret cabal that changed the laws to win.
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver was an aggressive homosexual pedophile, and the group covered for him, until now.
Joe Biden unable to deliver even a simple 2 minute update on COVID-19 vaccinations, saying that '300 Americans' will be injected with '200 million doses' of...
New York’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 may be more than 50 percent higher than officials claim — because Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration hasn’t revealed...
Democrats are now calling for 'deprogramming and reprogramming' of white Republicans for the 'thought crime' they are committing 1984.
24 hours after the Joe Biden hologram took office, US troops reinvaded Syria on the orders of The Swamp, welcome back to forever wars.
President Joe Biden on Friday lowered expectations of his administration’s ability to affect the ongoing COVID coronavirus pandemic.
America is a place where we live, but our home is not here, it is in New Jerusalem in Heaven with Jesus Christ. So act like...
Our capital city, Washington is under military occupation tonight. By Inauguration Day, there are expected to be more than 26,000 armed Federal troops in Washington.
Joe Biden has vowed on Day One to restore Obama-era policies on transgenders in sports and public restrooms, attacking the two genders.
QAnon is a psyop from the same people that brought you the CIA and the Deep State, and those emails you are forwarding are not true.
The Democrats are not acting like the victorious group that won it all, they are acting like guilty criminals who just burnt down the Reichstag.
Twitter is filled with pornography that supports rape myths, normalizes adult-with-teen-themed and incest-themed exploitation, and reinforces degrading racially charged sexual stereotypes.
The first 100 days of the coming Biden Reich will seek to silence all those Christians and patriots who are hostile to the regime.
Apple and Google have threatened Parler with being deplatformed, and the free speech site is currently down as Twitter bans Trump. The purge!
Starting Monday, chief demon of the House Nancy Pelosi will use every dirty trick at her disposal to get President Trump impeached next week.
The Jesuit 'America Magazine' gives it full support to pro-abortion 'religious liberals' Democrats Raphael Warnock and Joe Biden.
Chuck Schumer called on Vice President Mike Pence Thursday to remove President Trump from office via the 25th Amendment.