Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would give Palestinians Liberation Organization hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars per year.
The Senate confirmed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Monday, just days before Election Day, creating a Conservative majority.
Joe Biden's vow to phase out the oil industry and bring in the Green New Deal just might be a deal breaker for the American voter...
The Trump administration led a 32-nation signing ceremony of a declaration that affirms there is no international right to abortion.
Do the Democrats & radical Left hate Donald Trump so much that they are willing to assassinate him to prevent 4 more years of his presidency?
Joe Biden family insider Tony Bobulinski has provided a trove of documents to U.S. Senate investigators from the Senate Homeland Security and Senate Finance Committees.
Never at any time over the past 244 years, have so many powerful forces within America conspired together to take down America. This week, we watched...
Facebook and Twitter are openly interfering in the national discussing in an attempt to rig the election in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured...
Wow, Twitter just said that video I had posted of Democrat Joe Biden was in violation of their Child Sexual Exploitation Policy.
Keith Olbermann Friday said all Trump supporters are 'maggots', and called for the president and those who voted for him to be destroyed.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said this week that voters do not deserve to know his position on supreme court packing.
Joe Biden chose 'Build Back Better' as his campaign slogan because he is the chosen vessel of the New World Order, all part of the Great...
Liberal writer Peter Beinart’s New York Times op-ed has sparked outrage among U.S. Jewish leaders for calling for the end of Israel.
Socialist Jesuit Pope Francis is actively campaigning to get radical pro-abortion candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris elected in November.
Suspect Charged in Democrat Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Plot Had Anarchist Flag of fascist ANTIFA, Hates Police and Wanted A Lawless Society.
Democrats are so desperate that Speaker of the House Democrat 'Crazy' Nancy Pelosi hinted at a plan Thursday to remove President Donald Trump from office using...
The Tides Center is as liberal and politically active as they come, and funnel dark money to Black Lives Matter Global Network and others.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish communities are protesting tonight the unfair treatment by Gov, Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio with COVID lockdowns.
The detention facilities, which some refer to as 'cages,' were built under the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration back in 2014.
The current riots by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in Portland have reached new levels of violence, and are absolutely getting much worse.
The runaway favorite for me was when President Trump got Joe Biden to say that the Green New Deal of AOC and radical Left was not...
Debate despite agreeing to proposal just days ago, Joe Biden and his team are now refusing to submit to ear inspection for listening devices.
The American media has become perhaps the greatest, single enemy the American people face in this already chaotic year of paradigm change.