Consecration to Mary is defined by the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship as recognizing the “singular role of Mary in the Mystery of Christ and of...
Presiding over Mass on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, Pope Francis encourages Catholics to place themselves under her maternal protection.
Members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois installed a 'baby Baphomet' as Roman Catholics vowed the Virgin Mary would 'crush the serpent'.
Pope Francis on Assumption of Mary feast: 'Humility is the way that leads to heaven', and that's a total lie. Only Jesus can save your soul.
Pope Francis has announced a 'marathon' month of prayer throughout May with the aim of asking Mary to end the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pope Francis committed blasphemy when he tweeted today that Mary is the "bridge to God", she is certainly not, Jesus Christ is.
Pope Francis opened his first Angelus of the New Year by urging the faithful to join in 'placing ourselves under the maternal and loving gaze of...
Tonight we will look at the biblical Mary, mother of Jesus of Nazareth and compare her to the 'queen of heaven' of the Roman Catholic Church.
Why on earth did the RNC end with an Ave Maria incantation to the 'blessed virgin' Mary asking for her intercession and help?
Pope Francis has given the Virgin Mary three new titles, the Vatican announced Saturday, which will be added to the Catholic Church’s traditional 'Litany of Loreto'
The Italian Air Force Flies A Statue Of The Virgin Mary Over Italy To Stop COVID019 Coronavirus From Spreading, Roman Catholic Priests Follow Suit.
Pope Francis left the Vatican Sunday in Rome walking empty streets to pray to an idol of the Virgin Mary asking her for the end of...
Jim Caviezel gave a talk in the Netherlands where he called on Pope Francis to proclaim Mary as the co-redemptrix of all mankind as Roman Catholic...
Worshipers see a sign from God after a caretaker at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago saw tears coming from an icon of the Virgin...
Pope Francis at Angelus on Feast of the Assumption on Thursday blasphemously declared that Mary is the “Gate of Heaven”, and command Catholics to trust her.
Pope Francis today on Twitter took time out to remind Catholics around the world that Mary is their protector, and that the month of May is...
Pope Pius IX wrote the Roman Catholic doctrine concerning the character and nature of Mary, called Ineffabilis Deus, published on December 8, 1854, in Rome
Pope Francis tells 600,000 Catholics gathered in Panama City to follow the footsteps of the Virgin Mary, calling her the biggest “influencer” of all times.
Pope Francis tells his 1.4 billion followers that worshipping Mary is 'not optional' and that she alone is the way to God and that we must...
The coronation took place during mass at O’Higgins Park in Santiago, where the tens of thousands in attendance watched Pope Francis place a crown on the...
After warning against "horoscopes and fortune tellers" that Pope Francis leads his gullible sheep into praying to a statue of the "queen of heaven".