The U.S. is deploying 14 new ground-based missile interceptors in Alaska to counter renewed nuclear threats from North Korea and Iran
Within 48 hours, Trainer developed a PowerPoint presentation on the proper handling and disposal of Islamic religious material that was seen by every American — military...
Confirmed. The Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. Why?
The Air Force reversed a policy of sharing the number of airstrikes launched from RPAs in Afghanistan and quietly scrubbed those statistics from previous releases kept...
The American Civil Liberties Union wants to know what kind of military weaponry and tactics are being turned over to local police by the Department of...
Yes, the president could conceivably have no choice but to authorise the military to use such force if necessary to protect the homeland," Mr Holder said.
President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life, at the same time he wants to take your guns...
As the nation’s very first FEMA Corps members, you are helping write a new chapter in the history of national service.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in...
"Police are going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck," Stovall said. "If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask...
Former Marine Jon Hammar of Palmetto Bay will be released Friday from a Mexican prison, according to U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
"This time, the words need to lead to action," said Obama, who set a January deadline for the recommendations. He vowed to push for their implementation...
An ex-Marine who survived dangerous patrols in Iraq and Afghanistan is now “chained to a bed” in a notorious Mexican prison after a road trip to...
Morsi has been endorsed as a key regional player by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
"The United Nations wants to use drones for the first time to monitor fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where Rwanda has been accused...
There are no witnesses, no dead body, no photos, no audio recordings, there is nothing to prove it actually happened. Even the emails mentioned in the...
Israel can retake Gaza once. Or it can retake Gaza every few years. It can have soldiers patrol Gaza or it can have rockets falling on...
An Iranian 150-ton freighter departed Bandar Abbas port Sunday, Nov. 18, with a cargo of 220 short-range missiles and 50 improved long-range Fajr-5 rockets for the...
Israeli air and naval forces launched heavy assaults in Gaza before dawn Sunday, Nov. 18 – Day 5 of the IDF’s Gaza operation - after daylong...
Israel bombarded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip with nearly 200 airstrikes early Saturday, the military said, widening a blistering assault on Gaza rocket operations to include the...
Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip say they have launched a rocket on Jerusalem - the first time the holy city has been targeted from Gaza.
This is the moment a pinpoint Israeli airstrike blew up the one of the top Hamas military commanders in Gaza today. Ahmed Jabari, the most senior...
Israeli sources say the air operation called Pillar of Cloud is underway against more Hamas leaders and its military infrastructure and rocket stocks across the Gaza...
Barack Obama stands openly for the things that God is against. He takes great pride is doing so. He campaigned with these things as the reasons...