Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces...
An urgent request from the Libya CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied...
The United States has sent military troops to the Jordan-Syria border to bolster that country's military capabilities in the event that violence escalates along its border...
The lie is that the U.S. military has tamed the Taliban, said CBS News reporter Lara Logan at the Better Government Association annual luncheon last Tuesday.
Turkey’s parliament voted Thursday to authorize military cross-border operations into Syria, a day after an apparently errant mortar strike from inside Syria killed five Turkish civilians.
'Friendly' fire attacks have killed dozens of our heroes. The Pentagon's response? Ordering sensitivity training about Islam
Iranian military leaders unveiled a new missile defense system Friday that is built to destroy “aggressive” U.S. aircraft, according to reports.
At the Eglin Air Force Base, in the Florida panhandle, all Lockheed AC-130 aircraft have been moved out "somewhere". Perhaps to the Persian Gulf?
"This exercise is about mines and the international effort to clear them," said Vice-Admiral John Miller, commander of US Naval Forces Central Command.
Taliban fighters attacked the coalition base at Camp Bastion-Camp Leatherneck in Helmand Province just before midnight local time with small-arms fire and rocket attacks, according to...
The black flag of Islam is flying over the U.S. embassy in Tunisia after it was stormed by a mob of protesters today - as anger...
Salafi Bedouins linked to al Qaeda stormed the Multinational Force’s camp in northern Sinai with grenades, mortars and automatic guns Friday night Sept. 14.
AUSTIN (KXAN) – The University of Texas is evacuating all of its buildings due to threats on campus after a caller claiming to be with al-Qaida...
The American ambassador to Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a rocket attack after an armed mob protesting at a 'blasphemous' film about...
Just days after a report that the U.S. was sharply cutting its participation in a military exercise scheduled with Israel, U.S. planes landed in Egypt Tuesday...
COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY. Section 2.11 of the 27-page Air Force Instruction AFI 1-1 Standards of Conduct is the latest salvo in a battle...
Imagine Tea Party extremists seizing control of a South Carolina town and the Army being sent in to crush the rebellion. This farcical vision is now...
Russia hopes to establish its first naval base abroad since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and is looking at Cuba, Vietnam and the Seychelles...
Russian, Western and Arab forces were piling up on Syrian borders Wednesday, July 25, bringing closer a war confrontation which could spur the Assad regime into...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it "an Iranian terror attack" and promised a tough response. "This is an Iranian terror attack that is spreading across...
The Pentagon is building a missile defense radar station at a covert location in Qatar, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. The site will be part...
The Pentagon is sending an aircraft carrier to the Middle East several months early to make sure at least two carriers will constantly be present in...
The Pentagon has revoked permission for a Christian ministry to produce Bibles for different branches of the military, marked with those insignias, after an anti-Christian group...
The instructor of a college course that taught top military officers the United States was at war with Islam has been relieved of teaching duties and...