Gen. Taylor was the master of ceremonies for the Pentagon’s 4th Gay Pride celebration that showcases a month of gay-themed posters and history.
A United States Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer – a verse of Scripture the military...
The ISIS attacks, which have already begun, will gradually increase in number until watching beheadings on the streets of every major American city will become as...
According to the law enforcement insider there are trains moving throughout Texas and some of them have been outfitted with shackles, presumably to “transport prisoners of...
The military occupation of a peacetime America has already begun, and Operation Jade Helm 15 is proof of that.
U.S. Navy officials say the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is steaming toward the waters off Yemen and will join other American ships prepared to intercept...
The shift to move NORAD back to the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado is designed to safeguard the command's sensitive sensors and servers from a potential...
The Russian president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems urged Russia’s military to attack Yellowstone Park and the San Andreas Fault.
The “realistic” military training exercise, which will involve the Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division, is set to take place from July 15-September...
As the U.S. and several Eastern European NATO countries conduct a series of military exercises near Russia's border, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his Northern...
Vladimir Putin has reappeared in Russia, after being gone for 10 days. There were many speculating as to where he was, but no one knew for...
Seven Marines and four soldiers were presumed dead after an Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed on a nighttime training mission off the Florida coast, where U.S....
President Barack Obama will soon give Congress his proposal for a new authorization for the use of military force against Islamic State fighters.
The Blackhawk helicopters were participating in war games, what the Army called routine, low altitude training. But the routine was broken when one of the choppers...
Obviously the solution the president went with was the $5 billion to Qatar and the trade of the five Taliban.
The attack took place near the Ein al-Asad base, which includes close to 100 U.S. military advisers. The U.S. troops, armed with “light and medium weapons,”...
The Air Force’s operational command bunker in Tel Aviv — commonly known as “the pit” — is nearing the end of a multi-million dollar upgrade, funded...
President who vowed to end war, now seeks sweeping power to expand it to pursue the Islamic State terrorists wherever and however he deems necessary
Over 6,000 Marines based in Europe and the Middle East are now on "high alert," a Marine spokesman told Fox News, following the release of a...
An ISIS terrorist has been photographed aiming a 10-foot long sniper rifle out of a flat window in Kobane. The fearsome weapon fires 23mm calibre bullets,...
Under the executive order, the St. Louis County Police Department will have command and operational control over security in the city of Ferguson in areas of...
“In the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of...
Governments are developing weapons that rely on artificial intelligence, not human instruction, to decide what to target and whom to kill.
A court ordered that Tahmooressi, who'd been held on weapons charges, be freed, a Mexican federal government press release said.