67,000 prisoners to date have been released due to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis, while churches have struggled to stay open. What is UN Agenda 21?
There is no such thing as gender neutral, that is the frantic delusion of the godless atheists at the United Nations bent on world domination at...
Harvard Law School emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz says that the government absolutely has the right to forcibly vaccinate you for the common good.
Globalist George Soros Describes COVID-19 Plannedemic As 'Revolutionary Moment' In Which 'Everything Is Up For Grabs' says we will not go back to normal.
Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from the COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available.
The U.S. Space Force — the newest branch of the armed services — now has its own flag, but there is just one, tiny problem. It...
Los Angeles to shut off water, power of nonessential businesses that refuse to close amid COVID-19 coronavirus orders in Nazi-like oppression of its people.
The COVID-19 Coronavirus Plannedemic is speeding up the move to cashless society as foretold with the Mark of the beast from the book of Revelation.
For a man who had aspired to rule like the Roman god Jupiter, the pandemic has left Emmanuel Macron and his vision of a multilateral world...
Roman Catholic Melinda Gates in an interview on TODAY Show pushing hard for a global COVID-19 vaccine was wearing an upside-down cross around her neck.
In May Day address, French president Emmanuel Macron warns that life won't return to 'normal' after COVID-19 lockdown ends in the New World Order.
Bill gates tweets out that every person on the planet must receive a COVID-19 vaccination and there can be no alternative, it's the Mark of the...
Bill Gates funded EarthNow to ring the Earth with surveillance satellites ready to come online soon, will they be tied to ID2020 Immunity Passport 666?
Bill Gates now says his COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine could be ready in 12 months and will focus all of its $40 billion in resources on injecting...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $21 million towards creating a human implantable quantum dot vaccine mark with data storage.
They Are Trying To Bankrupt The Meat Industry Because Bill Gates And Other Global Elites Have Invested Heavily In A Lab-Grown Stem Cell Vegan Replacement.
In 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron Raised The Sign Of Antichrist Over America, Now In 2020 He Needs President Donald Trump Taken Out Of His Way.
The very first New World Order COVID-19 response virtual meeting was run by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and eugenicist Bill Gates.
United Nations unveiled its COVID-19 Global Vaccination Response Team featuring French president Emmanuel Macron and Melinda Gates with digital ID.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he favors all 50 states in America to declare bankruptcy amid COVID-19 coronavirus Plannedemic.
False Prophet Pope Francis Gives Emmanuel Macron His Blessing And Anoints Him To Take The Global Stage As Leader Of The New World Order In Phone...
The 42-year-old president Emmanuel Macron now positioning himself to take over the mantle of New World Order leader. And right now, he has no challengers.
When a group calling themselves Global Citizen wants to bring you a One World 'Together At Home' concert headlined by a New Age Illuminati satanist like...
From the very beginning we have been lied to by China, by the WHO, by Bill Gates, by Anthony Fauci, by the CDC, by all of...