Australian airline Qantas is drawing up plans to make a COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccination mandatory for all passengers traveling internationally.
At virtual G20 Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping wants travelers to adopt a global QR code system as part of the COVID-1984 Great Reset.
Joe Biden is the hapless husk being used to usher in the real president, Kamala Harris, and the America she will create is dark and terrifying,...
Remember how Dr. Birx told us that all people who died of whatever disease but also had COVID-19 would be classified as a COVID-19 death?
The only thing George Orwell got wrong about his dystopian novel '1984' was the year, if he had called it '2020', he would be hailed as...
Gavin Newsom and his fellow Democrat governors and leaders violating the COVID-1984 rules they impose on their constituents.
The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not news to students of end times bible prophecy, we've been waiting for this!
Pennsylvania Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf announces new COVID-1984 rules, including wearing a mask in your house. This is the New World Order, run!
Moderna, Inc., reported Monday that its experimental COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccine had proven 94.5% effective in clinical trials, will you be taking a jab?
COVID-1984 is being used as a trojan horse to usher in the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and voter fraud here in the US.
Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it will still be necessary to social distance, wear masks after a COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccine...
If your Democrat-run city or state issues COVID-1984, anti-Thanksgiving, no-travel lockdown orders, defy them. Your freedom is at stake.
The Vatican and Roman Catholic Church reaching out to form alliance with 'devout Catholic' Joe Biden who is pro-abortion and pro-transgender.
What you are watching now is our elected leaders betraying America and bringing in the New World Order long prophesied in the bible.
Computer AI software programs like Hammer, Scorecard and Dominion were used to changed the upward trend of the votes received for Joe Biden.
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced New York will now demand negative COVID testing along with mandatory 3-day quarantine for all visitors.
People gather in London to protest the New World Order and COVID lockdowns as police stop them but allow Black Lives Matter to gather.
Joe Biden chose 'Build Back Better' as his campaign slogan because he is the chosen vessel of the New World Order, all part of the Great...
Emmanuel Macron speaking at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday said we need a 'new world order' of globalization and peace.
CDC says 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions, producing 9,683 deaths from coronavirus only as fear campaign is revealed.
The Bill Gates Foundation is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to control social media fact checkers and news outlets.
How billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Elon Musk and other global elites got $637 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic.
Nationwide distribution of any COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine will be a “joint venture” between the CDC, the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.
“If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it,” Fauci the fraud said in an interview with ABC News on Instagram Live Wednesday.