The whole armour of God for us here in the 21st century is that dusty, old-fashioned ‘word of a king’ we call the King James Bible,...
The true story of the birth of Jesus takes place in a stone manger in a part of the city of Bethlehem known as Ephratah, this...
Isaiah tells us that in the end times God will do a strange work, and bring to pass a strange act, and brother, you’re living it...
From the drones and UFOs that are plaguing New Jersey to the collapse of Syria in the Middle East, end times activity is off the charts!...
Frank Jenner stood on a street corner for 40 years and asked people a simple question about Heaven and Hell, that was his course. What’s your...
The ordinance of the Lord’s supper is a call for all Christians to remind themselves of the true cost of salvation and to live in the...
The Bible says Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Apply Our Hearts Unto Wisdom. It’s later than you think, and the days are...
God tells us in the scriptures that we are to pray for our rulers and leaders for a very good reason, and the apostle Paul tells...
We are living in evil days, a time where the spirit of the coming Antichrist is infecting every avenue of our society here in America as...
Demas fell in love with this present world, and was knocked out of the game for the Lord Jesus. Don’t let this happen to you! Demas...
The prophetic words of God are indeed true and faithful, and he requires us to be watching and waiting for them to come to pass. Are...
The lad with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes did something so amazing that Jesus honored it, what did the lad do? He showed up! In...
Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through the fire but all through the blood is the theme of my Sunday Service message today...
The Bible clearly teaches us that, in the same way dogs will follow and obey their master, so Christians must follow our Master Jesus Christ as...
If you’re saved, you’ve already been give the ministry of reconciliation as an ambassador for Christ, how’s your ministry doing these days? The apostle Paul is...
If you’re saved, you will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for the works you did or did not do for...
God has given us free will, and He invites us to exercise that free will in stirring ourselves up to serve Him freely and willingly of...
This sin-cursed world is preparing itself to meet the coming Antichrist, and his spirit is rising all around us in these last days At Bethany Baptist...
John the Baptist knew that he must decrease and that Jesus the promised Messiah, must increase, and what follows is a beautiful shower of biblical blessing...
You cannot be like Jesus Christ if you have no interest in following him, the apostle Paul lays out for us what true biblical Christianity is...
The approaching shadows of the end times have cast darkness on these closing moments of the Church Age, Christians are still called to the fight On...