The high priest of Israel Caiaphas prophesy concerning Jesus and Israel was ‘right on the money’ and yet was a million miles away from the saving...
At the resurrection, Death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him. Jesus of Nazareth, that’s my King, do YOU know Him? In 1976, Baptist...
Starting with Palm Sunday, we dispel Roman Catholic teachings and look in our Bibles to see what actually happened the week that Jesus went to the...
Do all things really work together for good in the life of the born again Christian who loves God? Your King James Bible says they sure...
Paul warns to not let the ‘Vanity Fair’ things of this world beguile you of your reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ, here’s how to...
We live in a day and time where the doctrine of the rapture of the Church is hated, despised and denied by a majority of professing...
The whole world has been buzzing about revival lately, let’s open our King James Bibles and see what Holy Spirit revival actually looks like! For the...
The closer you get to Jesus, the more that things start to break. If you’re going to be used in the Master’s service, He’s going to...
What’s missing in the ministry today? Preachers and teachers of the word of God who have been with Jesus, that’s what missing. In the account of...
Isaiah calls us over to the side to wait upon the LORD to renew our strength in the heat of the battle we are all fighting...
The LORD gave David and his rag-tag remnant soldiers a great victory that day because they clung to the sword and won the battle. All through...
We are fourth quarter Christians on the cusp of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, and we have been ordered to ‘hold the line’ until He...
How did Eutychus fall out of the window and break his neck while listening to the preaching of the greatest Christian that ever lived? He was...
King David saluted and rewarded the men who ‘stayed by the stuff’ equally with those who fought in the heat of the battle, and that’s a...
There is much joy in the ministry of the Lord Jesus, and much heartbreak as well that most Christians are not aware of Oftentimes we will...
The dispensation of the Church Age was triple-verified in Acts 8,9 and 10 with the principle of personal Bible study and Bible teaching for born again...
The best-selling Book in human history has always been and will always be the King James Authorized Version 1611 Holy Bible, do YOU have the scriptures?...
Next to our salvation, biblical prayer is the greatest gift and power we have in this life on this earth. I am not the world’s best...
Paul urges Timothy to do his diligence to come before winter to see him, but the Bible does not record if he was able to carry...
If you’re saved, you are a 4th quarter Christian with time remaining on the clock, and the game is absolutely not over. The quarterback has a...
People are obsessed with sports teams, building plans, acquisitions, and entertainment of all sorts for one basic reason, to try and forget about the fact that...
As witnesses of Jesus Christ we are called to warn the lost about Hell, and remind the saints of the soon-coming Judgment Seat where we will...
King David wanted the threshing floor of Araunah to set up an altar for the LORD, but he wasn’t going to take it if it didn’t...
Jesus told Peter to follow him to the cross, and he did. Jesus told Paul to follow him to his death, and not only did Paul...