The apostle Paul lays it out quite clear what you and I are supposed to do in our Christian lives if we are interested in obtaining...
Make no mistake about it, Jesus died on the cross to secure your salvation, but He paid for your sins with His own shed blood. The...
Hell is a place of eternal torment where the Jesus-rejecting inhabitants thereof burn in perpetual flames contained in total darkness, is it any wonder most churches...
Is it possible that an angel of the LORD appeared to the wise men from the east as a star, and personally showed them the way...
The Church of Jesus Christ is going to end the way it started, as a decentralized body of born again believers meeting from house to house,...
It is my prayer that this Sunday Service message will awaken in you a desire to minister to the least of these, wherever they may be...
When I read my King James Bible, and I’m just being honest, I do not see “3 equal entities” in the Godhead so much as I...
Have you noticed the level of apostasy of the Church since 1948, the rise of the crooked televangelists and the lack of genuine Holy Spirit revival?...
The disobedient young prophet was given a job to do by God, but he chose instead to listen to the voice of the old prophet who...
On this Father’s Day, my mind goes back to the last day my father was alive on this earth, and the amazing events that happened as...
It is the LORD who makes all things new, makes a way in the wilderness and a river in the desert when there seems to be...
Why do some Christians lose their faith while others have their faith strengthened while going through equally hard circumstances? The Bible has the answer. Lately, I...
The old soap opera used to remind their viewers that “like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives”, and guess what? The...
The old English word ‘importunity’ is in your King James Bible as an example of how to get your prayers through with God. Have you ever...
This Mother's Day, whether your earthly mother is still with you or not, I would like to bring you a message about the mother you will...
Far too often, prayer is looked on as a lifeline of 'last resort', part of the 'if all else fails, pray!' type of mindset which is...
All over the world this Sunday, there will be observant Christians of every persuasion, dutifully filing into churches, who have plied themselves with enough caffeine and...
We are one week away from our celebration of the day when Jesus Christ, whom the Bible calls the "last Adam", rose from the dead according...
Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is the "author and finisher of our faith" and that if you're saved your story ends guaranteed with you with Him in Heaven. But...
Do you know that God is going to recompense you in the end for everything you did for His sake and for the gospel of the...
The wicked Haman, a type of Antichrist in the Bible, wanted nothing more than to kill Mordecai and wipe out the Jews, and was willing to...
The prophet Jeremiah got off to a fantastic start, but soon found out that being a prophet for the LORD came at a high cost.
When Saul's vision was restored, his new eyesight was now recalibrated for the 'long look' into eternity, and nothing would ever be easy or the same...
How Mary of Bethany withstood satanic opposition to "do what she could" in service to the Lord Jesus Christ with her alabaster box of ointment.