Christianity saves no one, attending church, any church, does not keep you out of Hell, but the believing the gospel of the grace of God absolutely...
When DL Moody was dying, he looked up to Heaven and said, "Earth is receding, heaven is opening, this is my coronation day! It is glorious!"
In both Testaments of your King James Bible, Jesus Christ is alternately referred to as the Saviour of sinners and the stumblingtone of the lost,
I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth
Waiting for the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church during a time of global pandemic in the midst of the beginning of sorrows.
In Ezra we see an amazing thing, a gentile king leading the Jews who were 'freely willing' to build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem.
Cancel all your New Year's resolutions in 2022 and rather resolve simply to look unto the LORD God the Holy One of Israel and be ye...
In 1 Kings 18, we see the incredible tale of the prophet Elijah going up against the prophets of Baal in a pay-per-view battle of the...
Your greatest concern is not Omicron, but the Judgment Seat of Christ, the unbreakable appointment of every born again child of God. Today I would like...
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope...
In 2022, tribulation is coming the Christian, and it's my prayer that this message will help you to get ready for it when it arrives.
Here are 7 things that Dr. Peter S. Ruckman taught me about the Holy Bible that led me to be a street preacher and teacher of...
Today I would like to bring you a message on not giving God any rest while we labour down here for His Kingdom, as we wait...
Today’s Sunday Service will be a 2-hour celebration of God’s faithfulness to us-ward, in preaching, praise, prayer and testimony. It was one year ago, at the...
The Bible shows us the future of all the nations that forget God, and places America at the top of the list to be judged for...
As a born again Christian, you are called and under the blood, chosen and testifying of salvation in Jesus Christ, and faithful in life and unto...
The apostle Paul's epistle to Philemon is a much-needed 'refresher course' for us in true Christian living in troublesome times.
The Bible teaching on the power of importunity in your daily prayer life is a game-changing 'secret' found only in your King James Bible.
The Trinity is not Catholic doctrine, it is Bible doctrine, and when we cross-reference Numbers 6 with places like John 16 & 17, we see some...
John the Baptist was the greatest prophet ever born of a woman, but he had his doubts in serving Jesus Christ just like you and I...
Where God gives His peace, there is nothing this world can do to take it away, and where God will not give peace, there is nothing...
The book of Job shows us Jesus Christ, high and lifted up, and standing on the earth at the Second Coming, with Job there in his...
Psalm 118:24 in your King James Bibles telling you to rejoice and be glad is a reference to the Second Coming of King Jesus Christ.
Here we see a sad truth illustrated, that Hell will be filled with 'good people' who lived their lives for themselves, good without God.