As this sin-cursed old world prepares for war down on earth, up in Heaven they're preparing for a wedding. The Marriage of the Lamb!
Peter was doing just fine walking on the water, right up to the moment he took his eyes off of Jesus and onto the boisterous wind...
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, and this will happen when Jesus Christ reigns and puts all things under His feet.
This morning, I want to bring you hope and salvation if you're lost, and I want to remind you if you're saved of what awaits you...
The book of Second Corinthians is an incredible book, and one that not only shows you what life is like in full-time Christian ministry, it also...
The last days of the Bible covers the time from right before the start of the time of Jacob's trouble all the way up to the...
When we doubt our faith that we are eternally secure as the Bible says we are, then we are calling God a liar. The answer is...
This amazing gentile Syrophenician woman knew something that none of the smartest Pharisees or Sadducees who ran the Temple knew.
We serve God not out of duty or obligation so much as because He alone is worthy to receive honor because of what He's already done...
Today I want to preach a message on our heavenly Father, and rekindle our relationship with Him as His blood-bought children.
Today I would like to show you how to become a biblical soul winner and it has nothing to do with the unbiblical 'sinner's prayer'.
The psalmist says 'thy word is true...from the beginning', that is a very powerful statement to make. From the beginning of what? From the beginning of...
Jesus is that Rock that opens up and sends rivers of living waters into the dry places of our lives that restore and refresh us forever.
This morning I would like to bring you a message on 'the faith' that Paul who is our apostle kept, and how we can follow him...
In Mark 3, we have the account of the man with the withered hand who is asked by Jesus to do something impossible in order to...
Today I would like to bring you a message on God's promise to save His chosen people, and restore His holy land to a right relationship...
The main theme of the bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is not sin, it's not the cross, and it's not anything other than the revelation of...
Paul's letter to the Philippians, one of his 'prison epistles', is a veritable textbook of the attitudes in which we as Christians living in the end...
Today I would like to bring you a much-needed reminder of the power of the resurrection and the promise of the pretribulation rapture of the Church.
What are you going through today, and are you able to triumph in Christ? The bible says we absolutely can, and Paul shows us how to...
My message today is on our status as ambassadors for Jesus Christ, and this amazing ministry of reconciliation He has given us to accomplish.
Andrew was the very first soulwinner in the New Testament and he brought his own brother, Simon Peter, to come and meet Jesus of Nazareth.
Today I would like to bring you a message on clearing up the spiritual confusion you may be experiencing if you attend an evangelical, Charismatic or...
Today I would like to bring you a message on clearing up the spiritual confusion you may be experiencing if you attend an evangelical, Charismatic or...