Think of this morning's sermon as Basic Training for those of us who He has called to be a soldier. The war is real, the battle...
Our message this morning is a clarion call to the Body of Christ here in America and around the world, to rise up and get something...
The same God that prepares us to minister for Him in His harvest fields is the same God who will bring us safely home, all we...
Joshua 6 is a treasure trove of inspirational and spiritual application for the Christian living in the end times, as well as a powerhouse of prophecy...
A message on how you can know for sure you can trust God's written revelation of the coming King and the literal, physical and visible Kingdom...
Why you need to right now bust yourself out of the lukewarm Laodicean Church and get plugged into the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ as He...
The Lord has placed on my heart to preach a 'battle call' message, assemble the troops, and waken the sleeping, lukewarm Church from its slumber.
Jesus Christ not only paid for our sins on the cross at Calvary, but He became sin for us in the pit of Hell after He...
This morning I want to preach you a clear, simple easy to understand but surprisingly hard to implement message on the most disobeyed commandment to the...
This morning I will preach a message on finding the biblical will of God for you in your life, and then give you positive steps and...
We invite you to join us Sunday, November 8th, beginning at 11:00 AM EST, for the very first broadcast of the NTEB House Church Sunday Morning...