On November 30th at Noon EST, we are excited to welcome Bro. David Daniels from Chick Tracts into the studio as we continue our NTEB ‘Sit...
We are impacting millions around the world with the gospel of the kingdom of God, would you join us in prayer for the next 30 days...
Join us for an 8:30 PM EST livestream of NTEB and The Soul Trap from the Faith & Freedom Rally at Sun Coast Baptist with Pastor...
It’s National Book Lovers Day today, and we invite you to come and spend it with us at the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore here in Saint...
We are celebrating 100 MILLION ALL-TIME VISITS to Now The End Begins with our biggest-ever sale at the Bookstore starting at the stroke of Midnight this...
You are invited to come to the NTEB Bookstore on Friday May 20th for a very special live stream of ‘The Soul Trap’ with Pastor Joel...
Mark your calendars to come join us on May 2nd, starting at the stroke of Midnight, this will be the biggest sale we will have all...
We hold the Camp Meeting at the height of springtime because Spring is when the Song of Solomon tells us the Rapture of the Church will...
Want to hear something funny? We have been purchasing so many Ruckman Reference Bibles for our Free Bible and Gospel Tract Program, that they have once...
Last year, we were able to send out 10,000 King James Bibles through Bible Literature and Missionary Foundation, and that was quite impressive if you ask...
As The Days Of Noah Were: Part 3 of Interview with Geoffrey Grider of Now The End Begins exclusively on The Soul Trap with Pastor Joel...
We are so very excited to be holding the 2nd Annual NTEB Camp Meeting Weekend here in beautiful Saint Augustine Florida, and you are invited to...
Click to watch the interview with The Soul Trap that YouTube refused to allow because it rips the mask off the current global conspiracy here at...
You are invited to visit The Soul Trap channel on Rumble to listen to our hard-hitting, end times, King James Bible only interview with Pastor Joel...
Please join us Thursday, January 27th, starting at 8:00 PM EST on YouTube, for Part 1 of our 4-part sit down with Pastor Joel Tillis of...
You are invited to come to the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore on Tuesday November 2nd for an amazing, in-store, one night only presentation of an original...
We are so happy to bring your our brand-new line of NTEB Scripture Verse drinkware and travel cups with beautiful, hand-drawn original illustrations.
You are invited to come to the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore on Tuesday November 2nd for a presentation of an original King James 1611 Authorized Version...
Another NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard has gone up, this time over Baton Rouge, Louisiana by the ministry of Bro. Kyle and his wife Raigan.
On September 14th, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM EST, we are going to present a first edition King James Bible at the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore.
We are thrilled to tell you that NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard #4 is now up and witnessing to thousands of drivers per day on Rt. 207...
Open 6 days a week, our NTEB King James only bookstore is a walk-in gospel outpost here in Saint Augustine, Florida, where the gospel of the...
It is time for the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore grand opening and the start of our old-fashioned Camp Meeting revival!
Come to the grand opening of the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore this Friday in Saint Augustine Florida, we would love to meet you!