The Nazi 'Der Ahnenpass' required of all Germans has much in common with the COVID Vaccination Passport now being forced on people in 2021.
When Bill Gates tells you to prepare for a 'smallpox bioterror attack', you should believe him. Remember Event 201? Now it's the 'germ games'.
Meta means 'dead' in Hebrew, and the world's wealthiest people are spending untold billions to create a digital world into which they intend to plunge the...
World leaders gather at G20 Summit in Rome to create global vaccination task force tied to the digital ID of the Immunity Passport.
Anthony Fauci not only lied about masks, lied about herd immunity, he also likes to torture helpless puppies by slitting their vocal cords and letting sandflies...
The Biden Vaccine Mandate against the unvaccinated will prevent you and your family from purchasing food, water and medicine.
Fully vaccinated Colin Powell died this morning from complications of COVID-19, exposing the lies and misdeeds of the global Vaccine Police.
President Joe Biden will meet Pope Francis at the Vatican on Oct. 29 ahead of the One World Religion of Chrislam meeting at the UN.
Southwest pilots go on strike as airlines forced to cancel thousands of flights over Biden COVID-19 vaccine mandate as unvaccinated fight back.
A timely update on Bill Gates and his mad quest to inject the entire world with a vaccine and a COVID-19 Vaccination Passport digital ID.
Today is Day 638 of 15 Days to Flatten the Curve, and the world is literally coming apart at the seams everywhere you look. End times...
We show you the shocking news that the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine triples your chances of coming down with COVID-19 coronavirus.
Black Lives Matter is right when they say that the Biden Vaccine Mandates and the 'Key To NYC' are targeting black people intentionally.
They have begun to calling the COVID-19 vaccine booster shot our mandatory 'software update' to our human operating systems. 666 ID2020.
The United Nations is not subject to New York vaccine mandates, neither is Congress, and #PureBlood is rising from Q, what comes next?
Population reduction has long been the rally cry of the New World Order and engraved on the tables of the Georgia Guidestones. Has it begun?
The Twin Towers came down and in its place rose a one world trade center, crafted on all sides with upside-down V-shapes, looking like a syringe.
At the 20th anniversary of September 11th, we are watching the New World Order George H.W. Bush tell us was coming finally arrive on 9/11.
On August 27th, the UN World Health Organization, funded in part by Bill Gates, unveiled global digital COVID-19 vaccination passport plan.
Our global community, led by a Godless America, spews forth an unrelenting cavalcade of misinformation and disinformation in order to foster an agenda.
We show you the Mark of the Beast system, in place and operational, just waiting for the Son of Perdition to arrive and claim his kingdom.
This week we watched pretend president Joe Biden hand over America to the New World Order as utter chaos and confusion reigned everywhere.
The FDA on Monday granted full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, opening the door to mandatory vaccinations.
Today we'll show you that what was called conspiracy theory in 2020 is now confirmed reality in 2021. We will also show you what comes next.