Microsoft's Bill Gates, Tesla co-founder Elon Musk, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, all doubled wealth during pandemic.
Young people are dying in record number from heart attacks, blood clots and strokes, let's revisit that Greek word 'pharmakeia' shall we?
Welcome to Day 666 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, it will blow your mind into a million, little pieces as open up our King...
In places like Australia, they are building COVID "not concentration" Camps to house the unvaccinated sick with the Wuhan gain of function virus.
The mass formation psychosis of the New World Order is bearing fruit as people turn on each other over vaccination mandates and passports.
In 2022, the global conscience is seared, the Church is thoroughly lukewarm, and Hell is literally rising to meet us the engines on Flight #777 rumble...
The Event 201 Global Pandemic Exercise was launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation mere weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Falsifying a COVID-19 vaccination card is now a class A misdemeanor in the state of New York, get ready for forced vaccines in 2022.
Blink your eyes and you were struggle to remember what life was like without having your COVID-19 Vaccination Passport microchip imbedded in your arm.
What does World War III look like? It looks like forced mRNA vaccinations and the digital concentration camp of the Immunity Passport.
Across America and around the globe, the world we live in exists in a state of war on every level of society, and 2022 is going...
Anthony Fauci says that the time is coming when people will need to be forcibly vaccinated so that the 'communal good' can be upheld.
New York City mayor Bill de Blasio announced today first in the nation mandatory COVID vaccinations for all private company employees.
Court orders FDA to release FOIA documents proving that over 1,200 people died from taking the Pfizer vaccine in the first 90 days.
Gain of function Omicron is the latest weapon by monster and madman Anthony Fauci in ongoing global science experiment against humanity.
Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division says mRNA is not vaccine but gene editing and it's the pharmakeia from the Bible.
Across the globe a war is raging in the streets against the mandatory enforcement of COVID vaccines, and mandatory economy killing lockdowns.
Germany and Austria are locking down the unvaccinated as COVID-19 medical fascism in the form of a vaccine brings in the New World Order.
Since mid-2021 there has been a strikingly high number of "sudden and unexpected" deaths of fully vaccinated athletes in the sports world.
The Nazi 'Der Ahnenpass' required of all Germans has much in common with the COVID Vaccination Passport now being forced on people in 2021.
When Bill Gates tells you to prepare for a 'smallpox bioterror attack', you should believe him. Remember Event 201? Now it's the 'germ games'.
Meta means 'dead' in Hebrew, and the world's wealthiest people are spending untold billions to create a digital world into which they intend to plunge the...
World leaders gather at G20 Summit in Rome to create global vaccination task force tied to the digital ID of the Immunity Passport.
Anthony Fauci not only lied about masks, lied about herd immunity, he also likes to torture helpless puppies by slitting their vocal cords and letting sandflies...