Patricia Chandler in Austin, Texas, volunteered to receive the new COVID-1984 vaccine from Pfizer BioNTech and has grievous sores on her feet
Remember how Dr. Birx told us that all people who died of whatever disease but also had COVID-19 would be classified as a COVID-19 death?
Gavin Newsom and his fellow Democrat governors and leaders violating the COVID-1984 rules they impose on their constituents.
Pennsylvania Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf announces new COVID-1984 rules, including wearing a mask in your house. This is the New World Order, run!
Moderna, Inc., reported Monday that its experimental COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccine had proven 94.5% effective in clinical trials, will you be taking a jab?
Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it will still be necessary to social distance, wear masks after a COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccine...
If your Democrat-run city or state issues COVID-1984, anti-Thanksgiving, no-travel lockdown orders, defy them. Your freedom is at stake.
President Trump has been taken on Marine One to the Walter Reed Medical Center in anticipation of this COVID-19 symptoms growing worse.
The fact that President Trump and the First Lady have just tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus may be the best thing for his campaign.
The CDC announced today that an order has been given to have Vaccine Distribution Sites open by November 1, Bill Gates and ID2020 up next.
CDC says 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions, producing 9,683 deaths from coronavirus only as fear campaign is revealed.
2016 predictive programming movie 'Hedgehogs' foretells the story of how a new vaccine ultimately saved the world from a pandemic outbreak.
Taiwanese medtech startup Brain Navi has created a robot to conduct swab tests for COVID 19, and it is absolutely terrifying to watch.
Pope Francis has backed global elites such as Bill Gates when it comes to a COVID vaccine, saying that it should be “universal and for all.”
The evolutionary creation group BioLogos is urging Christian to take the COVID vaccine, this is what a real lukewarm Laodicean sellout is.
How billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Elon Musk and other global elites got $637 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic.
New York’s true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy, is Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo the COVID Killer? Sure looks that way.
The Christians in California need to defy the unlawful order of Gov. Gavin Newsom to shut down indoor singing and worship services.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announces New York City is launching military-style checkpoints that look eerily similar to WWII Nazi Germany.
On October 18th, 2019, Bill Gates held Event 201 to war game COVID-19 and China held the opening ceremony for the Military World Games on the...
They made me wear a mask at the gym today. My breaths were not satisfying enough by half, and in short order I began to feel...
Nationwide distribution of any COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine will be a “joint venture” between the CDC, the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.
“If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it,” Fauci the fraud said in an interview with ABC News on Instagram Live Wednesday.
A deal reached by the National Football League and the NFL Players Association bans players from attending any indoor church services above 25% capacity.