Do a little research, and ask yourself if it is OK for them to purposely try a stop an inexpensive drug that works for a large...
Every month through fall, the government-funded COVID-19 Prevention Network will roll out a new study of a leading candidate -- each one with 30,000 newly recruited...
COVID Doc 'Fauci The Fraud' Doesn't Social Distance, Doesn't Wear A Mask While At The Baseball Game The 'Little People' Aren't Allowed To Attend.
Restaurants and malls in China are open, but to enter, customers have to activate a health code on their smartphones for access through contact tracing.
A Kentucky couple is under house arrest after one of them tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus and refused to sign self-quarantine papers.
Smart cameras will soon check if you’re social distancing and wearing a mask, and lock you out if you are not complying with the mandated COVID-19...
California allows rioters to burn whole city blocks and destroy small businesses, but going to church and praising God is too dangerous to allow happen.
Officials in New York’s Rockland County recently got aggressive about COVID-19 contact tracing, issuing subpoenas to eight party-goers who refused to cooperate with tracking surveillance efforts.
Bill Gates and his GAVI Vaccine Alliance rolling out TrustStamp biometric identification combining a vaccine with digital ID in West Africa with MasterCard
The Federal Reserve last week announced the formation of a coin shortage task force, including representatives from banks and retailers. It's a psy-op.
If they can make you wear a mask, make you take the vaccine, making you take the digital Immunity Passport will be a piece of cake....
Protesters against Africa’s first COVID-19 vaccine trial burned their face masks Wednesday as experts note a worrying level of resistance and misinformation around testing on the...
Anthony Fauci testified to a Senate committee Tuesday that he would "not be surprised" if the U.S. begins reporting as many as 100,000 new COVID-19 cases...
Everyone in Far Left Washington state, minus a few exceptions, will now have to wear a COVID-19 face mask, and will be charged with a misdemeanor...
CDC liar Fauci tells Major League Baseball not to play into October, hints that a second lockdown might be coming while also denying it at the...
What we are witnessing is the Great Reset of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist. The Pretribulation Rapture very soon.
Bill Gates went silent, Anthony Fauci disappeared, Dr. Birx went AWOL, but don't worry, they'll be back before you know it. As soon as the race...
Mandatory masks are not about your health and safety, they are about social control and keeping you living in a constant state of fear and panic.
This disgusting video shows a giddy and gleeful Bill Gates laughing as he brags about 'injecting genetically modified organisms into little kid's arms'
Yesterday, the credit card payments firm Mastercard announced it is joining the ID2020 Alliance to explore digital identity solutions. We see you Bill Gates
67,000 prisoners to date have been released due to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis, while churches have struggled to stay open. What is UN Agenda 21?
Liberal media labeling people who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine as conspiracy theory kooks as distrust of the media and Bill Gates is skyrocketing
Harvard Law School emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz says that the government absolutely has the right to forcibly vaccinate you for the common good.
Globalist George Soros Describes COVID-19 Plannedemic As 'Revolutionary Moment' In Which 'Everything Is Up For Grabs' says we will not go back to normal.