vergreenHealth hospital in Kirkland, Washington, is the epicenter of the coronavirus in the United States, and right up the street from Bill Gates home.
Israel is set for a nationwide lockdown in the lead-up to the Passover holiday, The lockdown is set to take effect at 4 PM on Tuesday...
Eugenicist Bill Gates said his foundation is funding construction of 7 factories that will manufacture seven promising coronavirus vaccines and digital ID.
Two Louisville coronavirus patients and a family member have been ordered by circuit judges to isolate and wear tracking devices and be under hoouse arrest.
The Cloward-Piven strategy is an 8-step plan designed in 1966 that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis.
In 2015, the Empire State Building was lit up with the image of Kali, the Hindu goddess of death. Now it's flashing a red coronavirus distress...
FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has requested 100,000 body bags, known as Human Remains Pouches for COVID-19 coronavirus fatalities in April.
Shut down the country. Develop vaccine and digital ID. That's what New World Order eugenicist Bill Gates says America must now do to beat the coronavirus.
President Trump Launches 'Project Airbridge' The Largest Medical Supply Airlift In Modern Human History To Battle The COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak.
The CDC will launch a new 'surveillance and data collection system' to track the spread of coronavirus in the US with funding from coronavirus stimulus bill
Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the crises caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
We are watching the coronavirus pandemic being used to collapse the existing global system to make way for the coming New World Order, now the end...
During Reddit AMA On COVID-19 Coronavirus, Eugenicist Bill Gates Calls For A National Tracking System And 'Billions Of Vaccinations' To 'Protect The World'
Starting tomorrow, America Will Begin Shutting Down With States Implementing A 'Stay At Home' Order In Place And Closing 'Non-Essential' Businesses.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo last year signed due date abortion bill into law, this year he is watching a person per hour in New York...
Is all this massive, global overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic by world governments really a prelude to the ushering in of the New World Order?
Many People Now Testing Positive For COVID-19 Coronavirus After Thousands Attend LGBTQ Gay Winter Party Festival In Miami.
Woke Hollywood Liberals in coronavirus quarantine get together in video singing 'Imagine', a song by John Lennon that glories the Communist Manifesto.
President Donald Trump on Monday acknowledged the gravity of the coronavirus pandemic, releasing strict new guidelines with 15-day-window to stay home.
Ministers in Israel have approved mass surveillance of citizens through their cellphones to halt COVID-19 coronavirus spread as privacy advocates fear.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the Bill Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, 3 months before COVID-19 coronavirus was launched worldwide.
Is the surging panic of the COVID-19 coronavirus a ploy by the New World Order to shut down the Internet and roll out martial law to...
Coronavirus COVID-19 victims in Italy over the age of 80 will be denied access to intensive care and live-saving health care services acoording to new doc.
If you are buying up large quantities of toilet paper and hand sanitizer to sell at ten times what you paid for it to people suffering...