Tesco's Christmas advert is hit by more than 1,500 complaints for featuring Santa with a Covid vaccine passport after anti-vaxxers called for boycott of store
Pope Francis Says Global Reset Is Real: No ‘Return to Normality’ After the Pandemic, The Only Way Forward Is To Create A New World Order.
People who refuse the Covid-19 vaccines are “criminals” and have cost “millions of lives,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Tuesday.
The Joe Biden vaccine mandate is the 21st-century equivalent of the Nazi Yellow Star, and needs to be rejected and resisted by everyone.
In 'Vexille 2077', there is an evil company named Dawai that is responsible to injecting everyone with a vaccine that infuses them with trackable nanoparticles. Substitute...
When Bill Gates tells you to prepare for a 'smallpox bioterror attack', you should believe him. Remember Event 201? Now it's the 'germ games'.
People get mad when you compare the Yellow Star put on Jews in Nazi Germany with the COVID vaccine mandates forced on people here in 2021.
Pretend president Joe Biden has set a deadline of January 4th for vaccination mandate as definition of what a vaccine is has now been changed.
Pfizer sponsors dozens of news shows on mainstream media as they rake in record profits from sale of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Laodicean Franklin Graham pleaded with evangelical Christians to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Axios interview last weekend on HBO.
The Vatican Begins administering third dose of sacrament of vaccination, warns heretics of severe 'consequences' for refusing the COVID jab.
New York City workers took to the streets Monday to protest Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID vaccine mandate for the entire municipal workforce.
Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says he is considering imposing a lockdown of the unvaccinated who refuse the vaccine sacrament.
The director of the CDC, said Friday the U.S. "may need to update" its definition for what it means to be fully vaccinated against COVID.
OSHA Instructs Federal Agencies Not to Record Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccine As They Push The Biden Vaccine Mandate On All Americans.
Liar Anthony Fauci and NIH Take Heat over Funding of Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab: ‘Will There Be Consequences?’
As the Biden White House tries to finalize vaccine mandate, dozens of groups seek last-minute meetings to stop forced COVID injections.
College student Shawn Kuhn got both his Pfizer vaccines in April and May, got COVID in August and then died despite being fully vaccinated.
Any active-duty Navy service members who do not get fully vaccinated or do not have an approved or pending exemption will be processed for an honorable...
Pretend President Joe Biden White House tells states to prepare for mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations in children as young as 5-years old.
Job Creators Network Hammers Biden Vaccine War with Massive Times Square Billboard: ‘Hey Joe, Time to Let the Mandate Go!’
Breakthrough COVID-19 cases in fully vaccinated in Minnesota have been increasing amid the rise of the delta variant as vaccines fail.
I refuse to be part of the Beast system and will not receive their mRNA experimental vaccine and not allow myself to be enrolled into the...
3 Founders of Moderna Therapeutics, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, make Forbes list of America's richest during pandemic