Did you know that just around the corner is waiting some advances and inventions that will blow your mind? We are talking about the coming singularity...
After reportedly dispatching warships to the Atlantic Ocean, Iran has now offered Russia a proposal to carry out joint naval exercises in May, according to informed...
In tonight's bible study, we look at the unsealing of the book of the judgments, and at the timing of when those judgments fall on those...
Many well meaning bible scholars today are confused about God's timeline for the events which must "shortly come to pass". Questions like "Will the Church go...
Iranian state TV on Friday ran a documentary featuring a computerized video of Iran’s drones and missiles bombing Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ben Gurion Airport and the...
Means for harvesting power directly from natural processes of the body represent attractive alternatives for these and future types of biomedical devices.
What may sound like a futuristic set-up is approaching faster than anyone anticipated. Welcome to the 'always on' smarthome.
Google-owned Motorola Mobility has filed for a patent, published last week, for a system "that comprises an electronic skin tattoo capable of being applied to a...
Joel Osteen preaches "another gospel". A gospel designed to delight the hearer and tickle their ears. He is to bible preaching what Coca Cola and cotton...
A second mystery barge has been discovered - this one docked in Maine, thousands of miles away from the ship spotted in San Francisco Bay that...
On tonight's show we present a raw, unfiltered look at what life will be like on earth for those who go through that time. WARNING: some...
"We need to agree on common values for all religions as soon as possible, a kind of secular Ten Commandments on which we will build the...
Every smartphone these days comes equipped with a WiFi card. When the card is on and looking for networks to join, it's detectable by local routers....
Here is how the Obama administration is using your tax dollars — mockingly in the name of “freedom.” As you can see her heart has been...
Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as...
Some pretty startling images have been discovered by Jonathan Kleck, in his work of analyzing what he calls the “encrypted messages and prophesies” hidden within our...
“ And it pleases me to think that the Church is not ‘il Chiesa’ [‘the Church’, masculine]: it is ‘la Chiesa’ [feminine]. The Church is a...
Atwill asserts that Christianity did not really begin as a religion, but a sophisticated government project, a kind of propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects...
Israel says that until Iran veritably halts what the Jewish State and its US ally say is a covert nuclear arms programme, all options remain on...
Obamacare is so much more than just an "insurance marketplace", it is a tool. A tool designed to render our beloved founding documents as moot and...
Defendants and witnesses in British courts will no longer swear on the Bible to tell the truth under controversial plans being considered by a powerful body...
Swarms of deadly hornets have killed more than 40 people and injured more than 1,600 in northern China. At least 37 patients are in a critical...
Using Department of Motor Vehicles records as its core, the state government is quietly developing a master identity database of Virginia residents for use by state...
Israel's prime minister declared Tuesday that his country will never allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, even if it has to act alone, and he dismissed...