The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will test its crowd-scanning facial recognition system, known as the Biometric Optical Surveillance System, or BOSS, at a junior hockey...
Bionym isn’t the only company developing concepts that use the human body as a form of identification. Motorola is working on a temporary tattoo that contains...
The dirty little not-so-secret behind President Obama’s much-lobbied-for, illegal and strategically incompetent war against Syria is that it’s not about Syria at all. It’s about Iran—and...
Folks, this is out of control. Did you ever think that you would live to see the day when a Muslim-raised, American president would lead the...
“The direction of events in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran should keep us awake at night. History is taking a dangerous turn,” he writes. “The region...
"We are hearing the drums of war," Mr. Moallem added. "They want to attack Syria. I believe to use chemical weapons as a pretext is trite...
Russia and China have stepped up their warnings against military intervention in Syria, with Moscow saying any such action would have “catastrophic consequences” for the region....
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg late Tuesday announced on his Facebook profile page the formation of a partnership with Samsung Electronics, Nokia, Qualcomm and others to make...
A legislative change taking effect in Germany this November allows parents to opt out of determining their baby’s gender. The law is the first of its...
President Obama’s Egypt policy is about as effective as his Syria policy. And for the first time Wednesday, with the number of dead and injured mounting,...
With conditions continuing to deteriorate in Syria, the Obama administration is making a major policy shift by agreeing for the first time to allow thousands of...
RELATED STORY: The Mark of the Beast and the Implantable RFID Chip A new trial in the U.K. lets people pay for items using the PayPal app,...
Something huge is about to happen on the sun. According to measurements from NASA-supported observatories, the sun's vast magnetic field is about to flip.
The Ophel Inscription, a small fragment of ancient pottery found in modern Israel has shed light on its Biblical inhabitants and could prove that the reigns...
China’s military is preparing for war in cyberspace involving space attacks on satellites and the use of both military and civilian personnel for a digital “people’s...
MIT neuroscientists have shown that they can plant false memories in the brains of mice. They also found that many of the neurological traces of these...
Google’s real goal seems to be singularity The power of computing, and the thrill of its apparently infinite possibilities, has also long been a source of...
The European Union has issued orders forbidding its member states from cooperating, transferring funds, giving scholarships or research grants to bodies in Judea and Samaria, eastern...
"They torture them in horrible methods, like hanging upside down from the ceiling, like using electric shocks, like burning them on their bodies," Shorham said.
An Israeli cabinet minister last week publicly stated that perhaps the time has come to rebuild the biblical Temple on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
China will join Russia later this week for its largest-ever naval drills with a foreign partner, underlining deepening ties between the former cold war rivals along...
Can you feel the circle tightening, getting smaller and smaller with each passing day? Police state...spirit of Antichrist...dictator. Take your pick, it's here
Under construction by contractors with top-secret clearances, the blandly named Utah Data Center is being built for the National Security Agency.