The U.S. government actually has the tools and capabilities to spy on all its citizens. These eyes go well beyond red light cameras. Right now, the...
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote INTERNATIONAL...
Right-wing extremists Golden Dawn won 6.9% of the vote and will have 21 seats in Greek Parliament. They want to put foreigners into concentration camps. Yes,...
Surveillance cameras are now so powerful they are able to zoom in and read your text messages - leading to fears of further privacy intrusion by...
The U.S. military wants to plant nanosensors in soldiers to monitor health on future battlefields and immediately respond to needs, but a privacy expert warns the...
Touché could let people manipulate their smartphones without taking the phones out of their pockets. Want to turn the volume down on some music? Users could...
Two blind men can see again for the first time in more than two decades after an implant of a 3mm 'bionic eye' microchip. Doctors believe...
Nearly 15 percent of people worldwide believe the world will end during their lifetime and 10 percent think the Mayan calendar could signify it will happen...
The head of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company says it has terminated its contract to ship gas to Israel because of violations of contractual obligations,...
A hi-tech chip allows a phone to 'see through' walls, wood and plastics - and through fabrics such as clothing. The team's research involves tapping into...
Take a look at the green stuff in your wallet and prepare to say goodbye to it in the future: By 2020, most Americans will be...
A major Israel TV station on Sunday night broadcast a detailed report on how Israel will go about attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the event that...
These 'doomsday preppers', as they are called, want a safe place to hide and they worry about events ranging from solar flares, to economic collapse, to...
Broadcom has just rolled out a chip for smart phones that promises to indicate location ultra-precisely, possibly within a few centimeters, vertically and horizontally, indoors and...
On Wednesday, Google gave people a clearer picture of its secret initiative called Project Glass. The glasses are the company’s first venture into wearable computing. The...
"The old Manny Pacquiao is dead and the new one has come." These are the very words of the boxing champ himself found quoted and featured...
Radio frequency chips in "intelligent uniforms" let a computer know when children enter school and it sends a text message to their cell phones. Parents are...
To be effective, a new set of institutions would have to be imbued with heavy-handed, transnational enforcement powers. How do we create new institutions with enforcement...
Led by Texas-based Noble Energy, the Israelis have already identified two gas fields south of Cyprus, code-named "Leviathan" and "Tamar," that offer a combined 24 trillion...
An overall total of 30 rockets fired just today from the Gaza Strip struck major population centers in southern Israel. More than 500,000 Israelis are forced...
Israel has asked the United States for advanced "bunker-buster" bombs and refueling planes that could improve its ability to attack Iran's underground nuclear sites, an Israeli...
Rick Warren's staff has acknowledged the Register article is correct, he had a role in the “King’s Way” document, he signed “CommonWord,” and he even traveled...
God has humbled us through the events of May 21, to continue to even more fervently search the Scriptures (the Bible), not to find dates, but...
The 10 Suggestions. Weeks after we all have been shaken by the news of the Wycliff Bible's "updated" version of the God's Word, we are again...